~Chapter 14~

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December 25th
So in less than five minutes this bitch has called me a nigger and claimed my husband as her man. I think I have the legal right to whoop her ass. I'm not going to lie she cute or whatever but she not me.

"I believe your name is Aria?"

"Yes. What is your point your not getting paid to ask me questions. You need to go to the back to the kitchen and help out."

Jesus please...I beg of You.

"Listen, I don't have the patience to deal with ignorant people like you. So either you bring Michael out here...or better yet move out my way. I don't need you to do nothing for me." I barely touched the skinny bitch and her ass almost fell. That's what happens when you a size -3.

"You black bitch! What the do think you are doing!?"

"Mommy what does bitch mean?"

"Don't ever say that word again. It's a bad word."

That was the breaking point. You call me that I front of my child...prepare to be lifeless. I gently put Riley down. I turned around and...BAM!

WHO-THE-HELL-DO-YOU-THINK-YOU-TALK-ING-TO? After every word I threw punch after punch. This bitch gonna remember me. I know I'm pregnant and everything, but I don't accept that behavior from anyone.

"MOMMY! You said fighting is bad for you!" During all this rage I felt, I heard Riley speaking. That is only thing that brought me back to reality.

"What is going on here? Tanaé?!"
"Papá!" I heard Riley say seeming super excited. I cute how he doesn't understand what's going.

Michael comes out talking about "Tanaé!?!" Like he's hella surprised and shit. He up partying it up and left his kids and I to just be bored.

"figlio che cosa sta succedendo?" <<son what is going on?>>
This older lady came out of nowhere saying. I don't what she said. I really wish I could speak Italian.


"Chi è? Perché non è lei in cucina per aiutare il resto del personale?"
<<Who is she?  Why is she not in the kitchen helping the other staff?>>

Can someone tell me why they are talking and just looking at me?

"Non lo so. Forse si è perso. Io camminerò la schiena."
<<I don't know. Maybe she got lost. I will walk her back.>>

"Non aspettare."
<<No wait.>>

The women walked up to me, looked at me up and down like she was inspecting me then looked at Riley with an intense glare. I moved him behind my leg to stop this women from looking at my child like she had an issue with him.

"Hello. Why are you upfront in my house. You are supposed to be in the back, and why would you bring a child with you. I'm going to have to dock your pay." She had this heavy Italian accent.

What the hell are these people talking  about?

"I think you have got the wrong person. I'm here to see Michael." I said it as calm as possible. I already knocked one bitch out. I look over to see someone come and help Aria up. I still want to know what the hell she talking about Michael being her "man".

"What would you need from my son?"

I almost died. Did she just say son? Michael told me he doesn't have family. He told me that they were shoot and killed

I look over to him and he doesn't even have the balls to look up at me. He's looking down at his feet. I'm can't believe this. I'm not supposed to be stressing but he's lied to me our entire relationship. So I'm going let it out. 

"Ma'ma I'm his wife and this is his child." I had so much anger in my voice a deaf person could hear it.

"You have the wrong person. My son is engaged to the woman you just beat up. She will be pressing charges. It's just like you people to try and pin a baby on someone with money, but not my son you won't."

Some were in the Declaration of Independence, I think it says I can legally whoop this old woman's ass. I look at Michael just to see if he will say anything but nope. I can't believe this. I don't even know what I'm feeling...sad, pissed off, hurt, lied to, disrespected, foolish? The list could on.

"You don't know shit about me. Would you like a copy of our marriage license? Don't get my children twisted. I'm not some hoe that don't know their child's father. Please note that before I meet him I made my own check and still do."

She looked like she seen a ghost. Like nobody has talked to her like that before. But that's not my business. I'm gonna put you in your place  if cross me or mine the wrong way.

Forget these people. Michael needs to start talking.

"Michael what is going on. You got an entire family up here. Are you serious. All this makes perfect sense. You never took me out because you didn't want them to find out. Why would you do this shit? I'm not good enough for you? Is that it?"

He finally looked up. He even had the nerve to have a guilty look on his face like that was going to change shit.

"Tanaé it's not like that. Can we talk in private please?"

By now it was at least 10 more people how came to join the show.

"Hell no. You have kept me in private enough. What the hell is going on and don't lie to me you have already done that for the past four years. What is it? All this time you told me the reasons for you never taking our marriage public was because you didn't want them in our busines...Ohh. I get it. You didn't want the gossip blogs and paparazzi to find out about my past. You knew once they found that out, your family would find out that their son married a black girl with a past."

"Tanaé." He tried to say it like he was warning me. Fuck that. I'm that bitch that will air out my own dirty laundry before I let someone else.

"No fuck that." I looked towards his "family".

"Hello my name Tanaé and this is Riley. We are the wife and child of Michael. I see that you all don't know about us, funny thing is, I don't know about you all. According to him he had no family. Michael and I have been married for 3years now and known each other for 6 years. He probably kept me a secret because he didn't want you all to find out that, I used to be an exotic dancer and I come from a foster home. Anyway I apologize for messing up your family gathering and please do carry on."

I took my ring off and through it at his face. All of this felt like a slap in my face. I picked Riley up and began walking out the house.

"Tanaé wait."

I was out the house and down the stairs before he caught up to me. He grabbed my arm which made me trip. All I remember was falling and hearing him call my name. I tried to protect Riley from hitting his head which led me to taking the hit. I heard him yelling my name but it seemed so distant. I'm only worried about my unborn child. Please don't let me have missed carried. Then everything went black.

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