~Chapter 28~

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It's been a couple days since I seen that Beautiful creation of a man and all I could think of is him. I feel like some desperate hoe, I don't even know the man and all I have done was think about him and how gorgeous he is and what it would feel to have him wrap those big arms around me, and can't forget his prefect lips. What would they feel like as he made his way down to my-

"Mommy I hungy." Eden came busting in my room struggling to get on my bed.

I need to start going to bible study. It has got to be some sort of sin to be thinking about a man that don't even know, I thought as I sat up and reached down to grab and pulled her up on the bed.

"Is that so. What do want to be eat munchkin?" I asked as I kissed her chubby cheeks.

"Mm how bout chicken and waffles? but it has to be fried chicken."

I smirked at how specific she is. She may only be three, but she is smart and know what she wants.

"Okay well is only 10 in the morning, so I'm not frying chicken this early. Want to go to Roscoes Chicken & waffles"

"Yeah I don't mind"

"Ok. Go get ready."

I'm able to make my way out of bed and get all three kids looking decent and in the car.

We are on our way to the restaurant when I hear Christian ask Riley, why he hasn't met their dad. My heart just tore into pieces. I feel like I failed my kids.

"Because he doesn't like us." I hear Riley tell him. How am I supposed to deal with something like that.

"That's not true Riley" Christian said back. I'm a little pissed that Michael gets to go live his life, while I'm stuck answering questions like this.

"Mommy tell Christian that, he hasn't meet dad is because dad doesn't like this family"

"No because that's not true. Your dad just had to figure some stuff out." Hoping that would satisfy their curiosity.

"See told you Riley"

"It doesn't take 3 years to figure something out" he said quietly looking in the window.

Thank God, we pulled into the restaurant before anyone else could say something.

"Come on y'all. Let's go."
Before I could finish, Eden was already out the car running to the door of the restaurant. My poor baby, she must be hungry.

"How many?" The lady ask me getting menus.

" 3 kids and 1 adult."

"Follow me"

She sat us down at a both and I ordered drinks for the kids and myself.

"So, Riley how is school going for you?" I want to make sure that he doesn't have a repeat of last year.

"It's good. We had a conversation to about the president, when we were talking about history"

Why are they talking about politics in the 3rd grade?

"Mommy what's a Prwesent?" Christian asked

"Before I could answer, Riley answered

"it's the person that is in charge of America."

"Who is America?" Eden asked.
I love how my kids are so intuitive.

"It's the place we live." I told him. Knowing if I used the word country, he'd asked what is that.

"So Riley,What was discussed."

"We talked about the guy named Donny and Harly" what possibly could some 8 years old have to say about the election.

"My teacher said she likes Donny because he keeps it real".

What is she actually teaching my child. I'm going to have to speak to her about that.

"It's Donald and Hillary. Right now baby don't even worry about that sort of stuff."

"Hello. What can I get y'all?" This ghetto ass waitress with blue stale tracks showing came up putting our drinks in the table spilling half of mine on the table. Oh God, help these people.

"3 orders of the kids chicken and waffles. Pancakes and chicken with 2 hash browns on the side."

"Dat it?" How she even get a job.

"Yes. THAT will be all" trying to emphasizes "that".

"Okay" she said as she walked away.

"Mommy?" Eden asked

"Yes baby."

"Are you sure that daddy really love us the way you say he does?"

1) Who dislike Michael?
2) Who think Tanaé and Joshua should be bumping and Grinding? 🙋🏽

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