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I decided on not doing a sequel. I have other characters in my head that want a story.
2 years later
"So you're really about to marry my bean head cousin" Josh came beside me.

We where at the wedding rehearsal. Yes Micheal and I are getting married...for real this time.

"Yup after 2 years he's proven to be a better man."

"Well as long as your happy I'm happy."

"I really am happy. You better do right by Wynter. She is like a sister. She deserves happiness Josh."

"We not together. So why are we talking about this."

Josh meet Wynter at the twins birthday. They are both to stubborn to actually date one another. They play this game of cat and mouse. She gets mad when he brings a lady around, and he gets mad when she has a man. It's been going on for year and a half.

"Josh. Don't try and fool me. You and her need to stop playing and just get together."

"She not what I'm looking for." That's a lie, but it's not my business.

"Whatever. I'll let y'all figure it out."

Im really happy this time around. Micheal stepped up in major ways. His entire family is even here.

I know crazy right. He invited all them out to LA and we had a family gathering. It was some drama with his mom. She tried to say my kids weren't His and before she could accept them, she needed a DNA test.
She almost found herself in intensive care.

Surprisingly Micheal didn't let the comments go by without addressing her.

His mom and I aren't best friends but she stays in her lane, that's all I can ask for.

I even got in contact with some of my biological cousins. They reached out to me. It was not an easy thing for me to go and meet with them. It was a big family reunion and somehow they found me. At first I wasn't going to go but I needed the closure.

1 year
Today is the day that I meet some of my biological family. They are having a birthday gathering/ family reunion for "Aunt Mae". I really don't want to go.

"I don't think I want to go."

Micheal was here getting the kids ready. We have been doing okay. I still haven't given him an answer to the proposal. There is to much going on.

"Yes you do. You have been talking about this for a long time Bella. Don't let fear of the unknown make you miss out on what could be great."

"But what if I go and it turns out horrible?"

"Then at least you can say you went and it didn't work."

"I guess your right. Let's go before I talk myself out of it."
We pulled up to this big house with a huge front lawn. The property was a couple of acres. There were so many people. Kids running around, the men were barbecuing, the woman were setting up the tables.

Looks like real family.

"You ready Bella?"

"Not really. There is so many unanswered questions."

"Well the people here are the only people that can answer them. So let's go."

As soon as I got out the car, Miahna, the cousin that reached out to me came running up to the car.

"Hey cousin! I'm glad you made it. I didn't think you were going to get out the car. "

"To be honest, I wasn't. I'm a little nervous."

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