~Chapter 15~

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December 26th
I woke up hearing these beeping noises and bright lights and I instantly got irritated because I remembered what happened. I felt my heart rate go up and you heard the heat monitor going off like crazy. The doctors rushed in.

"Ms. Wilson I need you to calm down. Listen to my voice and calm down."

I start taking deep breaths. Trying to calm my nerves , though my nerves were shot. After a couple more inhales I was good.

"It's good to see that you up. You need to be more careful, you could've lost the little one in there."

"So I'm still pregnant?"

"Yes. The babies were under a lot of stress so we gave you some medicine that in way sedated you."

That got me thinking where Riley is at. I look around the room and I see him with a coat that looked like Michaels. Where is Michael. I want to bust his head open.

"Where is the man that brought me here?"

"Oh he left right after we got you stabled. We needed him to keep watch of your son."

I felt the tears come back. I don't know if Im crying because I'm hurt that the man that I thought belonged to me all these years now all of a sudden has a family and a fiancé, or if I'm just so pissed and angry. When we meet he told me that his family was dead. It was only him. That's why all of our holidays would be spent alone. Now that I think about he always had a "business meeting" right before a holiday and the meeting would go on for a couple of days. It makes so much sense now.

"Ok Ms. Wilson, I'm giving you a clean bill of health. The babies look fine and..."

"Wow, slow your roll doc. I hope you mean the ONE baby I have in my stomach and the one you see over there sleep. That's what you mean right?" Please say yes. I can't take of twins by myself.

"Oh no! I thought you knew. Your having twins. We did an ultrasound and there are definitely twins in there. Would you an ultrasound done?"

All I could do was shake my head yes. I couldn't formulate the words.

"Okay I'll be back."

When the doctor left the room I began to think how am I supposed to do this on my own. I have the boutique but how is that going to be enough to take care of three kids. The thought of raising three kids, two of them under the age of five is scary. Then I got to thinking, women do it all the time. It's going to be a struggle but with the help of Lord Christ Himself, we gone get through this.
I'm really about to have twins. I can't believe it. I woke Riley up so he can see his siblings. I'm only 11 weeks so they don't know what I'm having but my next appointment I will find out.
It's my last day in New York and I called Michael to talk to him. He didn't come and see how his son and unborn children were, not that he knew I was pregnant with twins.
We meet at a little café. Turns out his family owns it.

"So how is everything?"

I almost laughed. Why is he asking like he cares. If he did he would've been there.

"Fine. Look let's stop playing like you actually care about what's going on over here. I called you because Riley the babies and I are leaving New York and leaving you. I'm done with this sham of a marriage. I know that you don't care about Riley or me. You don't want anything to do with this pregnancy so I'm only asking to keep all right to the store."

"What do you mean by babies Bella?"

"Don't call me that! We are not husband and wife. I'm not your girlfriend hell I don't even feel like the mother of your children. You no longer have the title of "husband" you are someone I used to know. To answer your question I'm having twins."

"Baby just let me explain everything. Don't leave me without hearing my side."

I heard the beg in his voice. Though I don't care. He sat there and lied to me for Four years, he kept his son and wife a secret for years. All this time I thought it was to protect my lively hood  but it was all in the name of protecting his image.

"Michael, what is there to explain. You ashamed that your with a woman whose got a past. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth and you knew that since day 1. For heaven sake you met me while I worked as an exotic dancer. You choose to ask me to marry you. You choose to knock me up. All this time you kept your wife and child a secret so your image wasn't tarnished. The thing about it though, I never begged you to stay. You should have never asked me to marry you if you were ashamed of me and my life story." I calmly told him. I had no more tears to cry.

He ran his hands over his face and cursed. He knew that everything I said was true.

"Look Bella, I was straight wrong for lying to you. It's not that I'm ashamed it's just that I come from a very high class family, a lot of them are just a bunch of bougie people and when we met we clicked. I like that I could come home to such a down to earth women."

"You knew who your family was before you ask to be with me. You knew that you had to live up to some expectation and had an image to uphold before you met me. You could've kept it moving. You decided to waste my time. So now you have a son, a wife, and two unborn children who you obviously don't care about and then some fiancé. You have one fucked up situation. Who is the annoying bitch any way?"

"Aria is a family friend. The only reason I agreed Togo out with her is because my parents kept saying that I was gay (A/N: this is not to be taken offensively) and they put us together."

"So how would that have worked? You just up and leave the family you have in Georgia to come and be with her? I'm so confused? I'm done entertaining this bullshit. What pisses me off even more is that you let your mother and that Aria bitch disrespect me and didn't say shit to them. You didn't even claim your son when your mother told me I was just pinning a baby on you. Hell you left him in cold ass hospital while I was on the hospital bed. The least you could've done was taken him with you. Then again your ashamed of him. So with this being said we will be out of your way."

I got up out Riley's jacket on.

"Papá why is mommy mad at you?

I stopped for a minute because this was the last time my child would probably see his so called father. Michael didn't even put up a fight when said that Riley and his two unborn children would be leaving him. That's how I know he doesn't care about them.

"Because mi bambino, papá has been very bad. You will see me again though." Yeah right let's stop lying already. 

I started walking away and Michael pulled my arm, took my hand and kissed where my tattooed wedding ring was.

"Ti amo il mio bel  Tesoro"
<< I love you my beautiful treasure>>

He said that on our wedding night. That was the one thing I knew in Italian.

"It's to late. You broke my trust. without trust there is no relationship."

With that I walked out the door with my head held high.

Chapter End

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