~Chapter 17~

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August (two weeks later)

Today had been so hot, I hate how hot it get during the summer time in Georgia. I dropped Riley off at preschool...I know my baby is officially in Preschool, it not considered daycare. He started today. It was so cute they had a little cubby with his name on it. I decided to just stay in the house and keep cool. The twins are final asleep. Since finding out that my entire marriage was fake I took it upon myself to move out of the house I shared with Michael and now the kids and I live in a three bedroom condo. It's definitely a big adjustment, I won't lie. Going from having a movie room, game room, huge kitchen, to just rooms and a nice size kitchen it's different, but we will make it.

My lawyer said that Michael was served with the mediation date and its set up for next week. I'm happy that it can happen fast. I really don't think he deserves any right to my kids but whatever.

I was just about to lay down when I heard a knock at the door. Just great.

I open and guess who it is...yup it's Michael. I think I want kick his ass, but that would just make me look like a bitter black women, which I'm not.

"What are you doing here deadbeat? How do you know where I lay my head?

"I deserved the deadbeat. I want to talk to you. I got papers about the mediation regarding when I got to see my kids."

"Oh, so you have kids now? They're not from me right? You never have claimed any of my children."

I felt all the animosity that I stored away, come to surface.

"Bella I don't want-"

I slap the taste out his mouth.

"How dare you come in here trying to butter me up. Just walk back to your car. We will talk when we have the mediation."

"Baby just listen will you?" I know damn well he's not trying to sound like his the victim.

"No I won't."

I'm done fussing and fighting. He didn't have to ask me to marry him or knock me up knowing that I wasn't good enough for his social class.

"Tanaé, please. Just 10 minutes and I promise the next time you see me will be at mediation. I just want to get this off my chest before then."

"10 minutes. That's it."

I moved to the side opening the door. I was interested to see what lies he thought he was going to plant in my head to either call off the mediation or whatever.

"You look good Bella."

"8.5 minutes." I look at my pretend watch on my wrist.

"Ok look. I'm sorry for what I did."

I waited for him to continue and then it dawned on me that, that was it.

"And your telling me this because?"

"I lov-"

"Pause. Don't even think about finishing that sentence. Everybody including Stevie wonder can see that's a lie."

"Will you just list-"

"What is ther-"


Ok I know I'm supposed to be pissed that he's talking to me like this but I'm not gonna lie I was slightly turned on. I love when a man takes charge. He won't know that though.

"Fine continue with your bullshit." You know I had to put that in somewhere.

"I fucked up Bella. I know that. I was trying to live up to my families expectations, I hurt you and Riley in the process. When I met you in the club that night I felt free. I felt like I could actually be who I am. Those "dates" that we would have, I took you so far away, yes to protect my image, because the media can find out anything, but also because it was just me and you. I knew you didn't want me for money or fame. I was selfish for the all the shit I did. Not giving you, Riley and now the twins my last name is one of the big mistakes of my life. I really do love you mio Tesoro<< my treasure >>. "

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