~Chapter 32~

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He sure does ask a lot of questions. I don't know him and he asking all about Micheal, like damn sorta stalker behavior here.

"My children's father and I have no communication what so ever. He made some really unforgivable mistakes and then said some really hurtful things to me. He left 3 years ago, he tried to get in contact with me and I declined. He made his choices they cost him his family. There is nothing left to say to him." I say in one breath hoping to be done talking about another man on my first date in years.

Then he asked the grand question

"Were you married to him?"

I don't even know to explain this situation. Sometimes when talking about, I still get mad about it.

"Well yes and no. I thought we were but turned out that it was a fake marriage license and that he pretty much was ashamed of being with me in the public. I was more of some weird fetish for him. When I had our first child Riley, all the fun of being with something exotic changed. Reality set in for him, and I guess that was to much for him."

I tell him a little more than I meant too, but it felt good to talk too someone about my feelings. I stopped going to the therapist because it got to be a little to expensive for me.

"Wow. I guess both of us have picked some real messed up people to have kids with."

"Yeah well at least my childerens father didn't go sleeping with his own cousin. That still trips me out when I think about it. That is really crazy" I could only imagine how I would feel if Michael did that to me. I would never claim him

"Yeah well enough about our crazy ex's. Are you ready to go? I have another surprise for you, this date is not over yet. He waived down the waiter and told him we were ready to go.

The waiter came back and placed the bill on the table, on instinct I reached for my purse, to help pay for something.

I felt somewhat obligated to help. He did pay for brunch for the kids and myself.
Out of nowhere I hear this animalistic growl coming from his direction.

"I hope we don't have to have this conversation again Tanaé." No nickname this time...someone must be mad.
"Josh you paid for brunch for all 3 of my kids and myself. At least let me pay for the drink portion of the bill. I wouldn't feel right if I let you pick up both bills." By time I finished, he already handed the bill back to waiter, he didn't even look in my direction.

"I don't like repeating myself. Stop being stubborn and listen. Let's go."

Well yes sir

He got up from his seat and fixed his suit. Then he gave me his hand and helped me up from my chair.

"So, where are we off to next? Thank you for dinner by the way. It was amazing, even though you didn't let me help pay for it." I say with a slight smirk.

"You are one persistent lady. You are going to have to wait to see where we go next."
We had been driving for a little more than 5 minutes and Joshua and I have been getting to know each other a little more by playing 21 questions...the dirty version

"So Terso, tell me favorite position" he smiled my way.

Oh lord, I need to go to Sunday school, Bible Study, Wednesday prayer, and Church on Sunday after this game.

The questions that have been asked, would send anyone straight to the pits of hell.

"Well, I can't say that I have a favorite position but I really like when-"

I was interrupted by my phone ringing. I look down and it was Wynter. What does this crazy girl want. She probably thinks I'm at home and forgot to call her and tell her how the date went.

"Hey Wynnie. Before you start-"

She interrupted and began talking so fast I couldn't even understand a word she was saying. On top of that it sounded like she had been crying. That put me on alert

"Wynter baby slow down. I can't understand what saying"

She took a deep breath and said it again.

"Tanaé the kids and I were in a car accident. Some drunk driver came and smashed us as I was driving across the intersection. Riley was in between the 2 car seats, but he didn't have his seat belt on right. Tanaé he's got a bad concussion and they put him into a coma. You need to get down to Memorial Children's Hospital now."

I dropped my phone in my lap and my mind went completely blank. I couldn't even think at that point. What is a mother supposed to do when she is told, her child is in a coma?

"Tanaé are you okay? What's is it?" I heard Joshua asking those questions but I couldn't move my mouth to answer them.

"We need to go to Memorial Children's hospital"
Poor Riley 😔 Will he make it?
What's going to happen?
Forgive Mistakes

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