~Chapter 12~

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December 21st
9:00 pm

So today has been one of the best days that I've had in a minute. Michael took the day off and stayed home with Riley and I. He catered to my every need since I can't really do a whole lot. He cooked, he cleaned, he played with Riley, he just was actually here with us. Like mentally he was here. Hopefully this can be a reoccurring deal for him. I like having my husband here with his family. He even gave Riley a bath and put him to sleep.

"He is finally done." He sounded so exhausted.

"Now you know what I go through everyday with him."

"Well I salute you."

He said in a jokingly way but you could tell he was serious, which meant a lot to me. I think it's time for him to see what I deal with. 

"So what do you have planned for our anniversary. I went to see my doctor and she said that I was no longer on bed rest but I still can't be stressing. She said the baby is doing good."

Michael couldn't make this appointment, he had a meeting that he couldn't get out of.

"That's good to know. Now that I know that, I'm going to surprise you with a special date."

"Well I can say that I like the sounds of that. Where are we going?"

I started getting excited. Hopefully he will take me to my favorite restaurant "Louisiana Bistreaux".

"If I told you then it wouldn't be surprise."

"Well how about you just tell me now and then in a couple of days I will super surprised."

"Bella you now that's not how it works. Ma avrebbe funzionato, se è I flip voi sopra e fare l'amore con il vostro corpo per ore." <<But would work, is if I flip you over and make love to your body for hours.>>

"Don't start speaking in Italian. You know what that does to me." I felt my panties get wet.

"I know. Now come here."

Before I had the chance to reply, I was pulled to the end of the bed and my legs were spread.
I swear every time Michael and I have sex it's the best. It's like he has gotten better over time.  

I can't wait for our anniversary, it's on the 23rd. It was my early Christmas gift. The year we got married, he had to go out on business on Christmas and so he said getting married was my Christmas gift. Corny I know. Anyway he said it's supposed be a special surprise so I wonder what that is.
December 22nd
8:00 pm

"What the hell do you mean you are going to have to leave for an emergency business meeting! It's a day before our anniversary and three days before Christmas!"

"Tanaé remember you can't stress it's not good for the baby."

"Shut the hell up! Your a fucking asswhole. I'm so tired of you missing important events for work."

"Tanaé I told you that I'm going to be here for the beginning half of our anniversary day. My flights is not until 11:30am. We have till then. When I get back I will make up missing Christmas."

He can't be serious. We were fine having a good day. Spending some time together and he gets this call then tells me he's going to leave tomorrow and not be back till two days after Christmas.

"I don't give a damn about you "making" it up. Fact is you shouldn't be missing it in the first place. I don't have then energy for all this."

"I don't like when your mad at me Bella. Don't be mad at me."
He tried to come up and feel up on me but I'm not having that. Not this time.

"No. Move the hell away from me. I'm so tired of this crap. You leave then come back like you haven't affected Riley or myself. The fact that you would even offer to only spend half of our anniversary together is just mind blowing."

"Well I can't send anyone in my place. As the CEO I need to be there. It's just three days. Then I'll be back."

"Whatever do what you need to."

"Come on Bella. Please don't act like that."

"No it's fine I get it."
I had to just walk away because I really don't get it.
December 23rd

Well, this had been the most shitiest anniversaries a girl could ever have. Michael was supposed to leave later today, but no he all of sudden had a to catch the plane up to New York early in the damn morning. I swear one of these days I'm gone catch a flight down there and track his ass down to see what exactly he got going on...as a matter that's not a bad idea.
So I bet y'all thought I was playing. I'm not though. I paid this private investigator an extra $20,000 to go to New York tonight and give me all the details about where Michael is, and have the information back to me by tomorrow. I'm gonna pay my husband a little visit. Besides it is our anniversary and Christmas is in two days.
December 24th
12:00 pm

Money talks and bullshit walks. That extra $20,000 got me all the information I need about Michael in only a day. Come to find out he's not even at a hotel he has his OWN condo out here. So I packed a bag for Riley and myself, booked a flight and we are on our way to New York.
On the plane

"Mommy, are we going to go see daddy?" I've told him the answer to this about a million times.

"Yes Riley."

We have another hour to go and I hope Riley goes to sleep.
3:00 pm
"Come on Riley we have to go pick up our suite cases."

So we are officially in New York and it is so damn busy. Being pregnant with all these people around me is so annoying.

So we got to baggage claim and low and behold my suitcase was lost. I'm really about to have a fucking fit.
It took about 2 hours for them to find my shit. I was so irritated, Riley was fussy and we both we hungry and tired.

So after causing damn near world war three in this bitch they agreed to give me 30% off my next flight. It's not gonna make up for having to be up in here for damn near 3 hours after I landed, but it will do something.
7:00 pm

Riley and I finally got to the hotel. I had to get both my babies something to eat because Riley was just grumpy without food and I felt like I was starving.
Tomorrow we gonna find out what the hell has got my husband so damn busy.

Excuse any mistakes
~Thanks for Reading. Later~

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