~Chapter 40~

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❤️Love you people ❤️

It's been 6 months and Micheal has kept to his word. He moved here to LA. No we are not together. The kids seem so much more happy that they have both parents. Eden especially has taken a liking to him. That little girl has him wrapped around her little pinky. She gets everything she wants from him.

He went and bought her an actual tiara. It was a couple thousand dollars.

We have had to have some talks about his parenting. He spoils the kids to much. It's always like good cop bad cop with us because I always have to be he enforcer.

Micheal was coming over tonight. The kids said they wanted to have a family movie night. So we are going to the movie theater. I'm a little nervous this is the first time other than the hospital that him and I have been out publicly.
I'm not going to lie, I really liked the whole family night thing. The kids have just fell in love with having him around.

I'm so torn. Do I want my family or should we just co parent?

This is why I see shrink. I legit need help figuring out my life.

"Bella? You okay. I've been calling you and your playing with your food." Micheal pulled me back to reality.

We were at this restaurant eating dinner. He was able to get one of those private rooms. It's just us and the kids, but the kids were so into their tablets playing whatever game.

"Yeah sorry. I was just thinking. What did you want?"

I'm definitely making an appointment with my therapist for this week.

He leaned forward with this sly smirk and whispered

"I would love lay you on this table, strip you down, spread your legs and show you. But since our kids are here, I'll settle for a conversation."

I would love for that to happen I said to myself

"We can make arrangements Bella. All you had to do was ask" of course he was smiling like he just won.

I mentally face palmed myself.

"I said that out loud?"

"Yup. And I'm more than happy to make it happen."

"Micheal stop. You don't get to just walk your way back. I appreciate all the sorries you have given but I need more. I was ready to move on from this. It has to be more than just sex" I had to whisper the last word so the kids wouldn't hear.

"What would it take for you to understand I'm changed and really want this?"

I don't even know what I need. I just don't want what we had.

"You have to come with me to a relationship therapist and you need to go to anger management. When you get upset you say cruel things."

He has never been the one to be open to outside help.

"You want me to go to a random person and share our life with them just for them to say we need better communication?"

"No. We always argue when we talk. We do need to work on our communication. Maybe a third party can mediate between the two of us."

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