Big Girls Dont Cry

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Big Girls Don't Cry
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"Eviction: Final Notice!"

I seen the paper folded oh so nicely sticking out of door just waiting till I got to pick it up.

"Damn another one" I say to no one in particular.

This is the 2nd notice I've gotten in the past 1 month. It's just so hard making ends meet.

I walk inside my 1 bedroom carrying my almost 1 year old son Jojo, short for Josiah on my shoulder.

I walk and lay him down on the couch that is only a couple of steps from the front door. It's not a big apartment at all. I went to turn in the lamp that is right next to the couch in case he woke up before I came back from getting his pajamas, and the lamp didn't turn on.

"The bulb must of busted. Well that lamp is done for a while. Don't have any more bulbs."

I walked towards the hallway light switch and still no light

"You have got to be kidding me. They turned off my damn lights. I just can't catch a damn break. If it's not this than its that." I whined and pouted giving into feeling bad for myself. I usually don't behave this way, my mama taught me growing up Big Girls Can't Cry. We suck it up and keep it moving. 

Where is my family you might be asking?

I don't talk to none of them anymore. I grew up in a small town in Mississippi. It was the type of town that moms and dads were drug addicts and alcoholics. Your "uncles" taught you that it was okay for them to touch even when knew it wasn't okay. Then you tell your mom and all she does is gives the "your a women now" speech, yet your only 7 years old. It's a town that is a generational cycle. Your not meant to get out.

I took the first chance to get out. I got accepted to the Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia at 18. I remember telling my mom that her only daughter college. Out of the 4 that I was able to get in contact with, she has over a dozen. She took a sip of her congac and told me

"Girl you need to stop trying to be something your not. You will forever and always be Mississippi Damned child, you not going nowhere".
her boyfriend walked in behind me,

"That's right you not leaving ivy baby. Now go fix me some food" he said then hit my ass walking out.

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