~Chapter 7~

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Saturday 28th
Doctors office
10:30 am

Today was my appointment. I dropped Riley off at Jades house and came here. Michael still doesn't know, Im still highly pissed. What sane man tells his wife that she and their child is wasting his time. His ass is still in New York. He sent me a text saying that he would be back this coming up Wednesday. I let him talk to Riley yesterday because Riley was throwing fit after fit. I was at the point of whopping his ass but Riley was at the point were me doing that would've it worse. Michael doesn't like to physically discipline Riley, but he's never here when
Riley acts out.

"Tanaé Wilson" the nurse called me back.

"Ok Ms. Wilson, I'm just going to check your weight, height and stuff like that. Have you been feeling any pain or noticed any spotting?"

"No. Just morning sickness like crazy. I still have a regular appetite."

"Ok good. Can you step on the scale for me please?"

I really didn't want to. I knew that I already gained weight. Without being pregnant I'm a plus size chick. Last time I checked which was about two weeks ago I was 210Ib. I know that I'm gonna be around 215.

"Alright Ms. Wilson, 219"

What the hell! How the fuck did I gain 9 pounds two weeks.

"Are you sure? I just weighed two weeks ago and I was only 210."

"Yes ma'am. It's ok though. Babies need the weight gain."

I know she was trying to lighten up the mood but it wasn't working.

"If you follow me, I will show you to the room."

"Alright." I grabbed my things and started walking right behind her.

"The doctor will be here in a second."

I nodded. I was actually excited to be having another baby. Hopefully it's a girl. It's enough guys in the house.

Knock knock

"Come in."

"Hi you must be Tanaé Wilson. I'm doctor Mahogany." She put her hand out for me to shake. Which shows that she's personable.
I think I'll like her.

"Hi doctor. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. So today we find out if we are pregnant. Correct?"

"Yes. Took three different at home pregnancy test and they all came out positive."

"Ok good. So just lay back and let find out."

As I lay back on the little bed, she pulls my shirt up and put that cold ass gel on my stomach. Like can't y'all warm up the gel or something.

"Tanaé the gel may be a little cold."

No shit Sherlock.

She start moving the little wand thing on around my stomach.

"Well you a definitely gonna have a baby. You are about 9 weeks . Right now your baby is the size of raspberry. The baby is starting to grow his or her limbs like legs, arms. You want to hear the heart beat?"

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