~Chapter 22~

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| Tanaé |

"I know that I cheated Bella. Everyday I wish that i hadn't. I wish that I was man enough to say no. I love you and only you. Just give me another chance to prove that to you."

I love this man like crazy but I'm scared. What if he gets even more embarrassed if the media finds out about what I just told him? Will he deny knowing me?

"Michael. I-I love you to. That never stopped. I know that I'm more scared than ever though. Before, I didn't know about a family even existing. I think we already know that I don't meet their expectations for you. I don't want that drama in my life. Then the paparazzi, I see how they follow you around, I don't want that for the kids or myself."

"First in for most love, my family expectations are no longer being taken into consideration. I made that mistake once and that has nearly cost me my family. Second, you and the kids will have a normal life. The paparazzi, and the media may try and get to you at first but trust after a while they find another celebrity to follow. I won't let you go. Not this time. Ti amo il mio bel Tesoro, <<I love you my beautiful treasure>>."

I swear I'm such a cry baby.

"Michael this won't just be a walk in the park for you. You are going to have to earn my trust back. Also the moment your family comes at me foul, and I know they will, you are going to have to be ready to actually defend us." I told looking him dead in his eye.

"That's already covered baby. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get your trust back." He said getting up from his chair and walking over towards me.

"Good. Be warned its not going to be easy. I want a family vacation."

"Okay. Done." He said now planting kisses all over my face.

"I want to get to know who you really are."

"I have picture albums in my car as we speak." He responded still kissing me.

"Oh yeah. You have a lot of feet rubbing to catch up on. Since you weren't here for my pregnancy."

"I can start now on that."

He picked me up and put me on the table and grabbed my foot. I laughed at how serious he was taking it. But I have I have some else in in mind for right now.

"Wait Michael." I looked him dead in his face.

"What is it Bella?"

" I want a massage."

"Even better. Come on I'll give you a full body massage." He started to pick me up.

"Wait no. I was thinking, my little friend between my legs could use a DEEP massage." His face went all red I thought he was going to explode. It had to be about the most funniest thing ever.

"Oh shit. Well you know I can handle that. I've been having a sweet tooth since being around you. Get upstairs while I get the whip cream."

That made me even more excited.

"Yes sir".

Thankfully my kids are sleeping and the twins don't wake up that often in the middle of the night.
I was laying on the bed in just my bra and panties when Michael walked in. He walked over to the bed, and in complete silence he undressed.

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