~Chapter 11~

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December 10th

The look on his face said it all. I almost cried, he looked as if he seen a ghost.

"P-P-pregnant?" He said it like he was in shock. I mean what do expect when you have unprotected sex. He knew that I had to stop taking my birth control, so it became his job to make sure we didn't have a slip up.

"Yeah Sherlock, that's what I said."

Right after I said that, I felt the pain

"I need to go to the hospital."

"Ok I'll call the ambulance."

"Why can't you just take me?"

"I'm going to go get Riley."

"So your going to leave your pregnant wife in the hands of total strangers? Where is my son anyway?"

"They are professionals. Riley is with a trusted friend."

He said the per-medics was on there way and left.

Well so much for being one big happy family.
9:00 pm

"Ms. Wilson you really need to stop stressing you were so close to losing the baby. I'm going to put you on bed rest the for the remainder of your 1st trimester. This is the stage that miscarriages happen the most. So please stay away from stress and off your feet." The doctor told me.

I'm in the emergency room. To be told that I could've lost my child really make me put some things in perspective. I called Michael but he didn't answer, so I'm going to take a cab home.

I finally get home around 10:00. The ER was really busy it took them forever to let me go. I walk in and see Michael knocked out on the couch. I'm still pissed he didn't take me out. Now I'm on bed rest I won't ever get that date that I want.

"Hey. What happened? Is everything ok? How's  the bambino?"

"My child is fine."

"Come on! Can't we move past this? I tried to even have a date, that didn't satisfy you. What else can I do?"

"I can't be in situations that stress me out. I'm on bed rest for the rest of this trimester."

"Well how far are you? Is it a boy or girl girl? I know nothing about this baby."

"I'm 9 weeks and couple days . I found out when I was 8 weeks. I don't know the sex of the baby yet." I tell in a nonchalant attitude.

"When do you go back to see the doctors?"

"Next week."

"Oh. Ok." Then he walked off. I don't even care anymore.
9:00 am

"Mommy wake up!"


All I heard was yelling and I knew that was my little munchkin. I missed him, if feels like I haven't seen him in forever.

"Hi my little munchkin! What have you been up to this morning?"

"Nothing. I eat and watch movies."

"Is that right. Come up here on the bed."

"Mommy why is your stomach so hard?"

"Well Riley, how would you feel about having a sister or brother?"

"Eww I don't want a sister. Girls are mean and have cooties. I want a brother."

I must have laughed so hard. The funny thing was, he was straight serious.

"Well you possibly will have a sister. I don't know yet, but your brother or sister is in my stomach."

"Can you make it a boy please?"

"I'll see what I can do for you."
I really hate this bed rest thing. Im stating to feel like a prisoner in my own bed. I can only get up to use the bathroom and I have to take my time to go down stairs to the kitchen. Michael is gone and he couldn't even take Riley to daycare for me and I can't leave so it's just me and Riley.
I just realized that it's Michael and I's anniversary coming up. I wonder what he's going to do. I really just want to got out with just him.

While I was watching a movie with Riley in my bed Michael came home.

"Michael what are we doing for our anniversary?"

"I have something planned. Don't worry about it." He said in a very sexy voice. This be the shit I be talking about. I be mad then he gets sexual thenI'm turned on.

He walked over to me and started to kiss me on my neck and rub his hands all over my body. Luckily Riley was sleep.

"Go take Riley to his room." It came out as a moan.

I'm pregnant and horny, that's not a good mix. I don't know if I'm supposed to have sex right now but I'll just have to take it slow.

I came back to see that she was naked.

Damn I missed that pussy so much. I'm going to take her to heaven back to earth then to Heaven.
He came back into the room with that suductive look on his face and they just made my horniness level go way up.

I can't stand when he does this to me. I'm supposed to be mad at him but I can't stay mad at him.

Without saying a word he walked over to me and spread my legs and Lord he worked his magic.
All you could hear in my room was Tanaés screams and moans. This is what I like to hear.

"Oh! M-M-Michael right there! Don't stop"

Damn this pussy taste so damn good.

"I-I'm bout to cum!"

I made a vibration with my mouth and it was all over. I had her squirting her juices everywhere...but I don't waste.


I can't even be mad anymore, but he needs to get it together. I want him to show that he cares about his family when he's away.

I'm still stuck to this bed doing nothing. I talked to Jade and let her know that what was going on, and that I would need her to really take over the boutique. She offered to come over but you know can't let that happen.
Chapter End

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