~Chapter 2~

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At home
Tanaé pov

"Michael! MichaelAngelo! Where are you?" I screamed as I put the ice cream away. "Riley, go find you dad". I was ready for all that stuff he was talking in the car.

"Ok mommy" he said running up the stairs. "Riley STOP that running up those stairs"
"Papá, papá?!"
"ciao figlio! come stai?
<< hello son! How are you?>>
"Good papá we got ice cream. Mommy wants you downstairs"
"Ok go wash up then come downstairs"

"Ciao bella" I heard my "husband" say coming up behind me grabbing my waist, kissing my cheek.
"Hi" I was at the stove heating up some food. "Michael you were home before me, couldn't you have cooked diner?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking how was your day oh really that's great!" Michael said in a sarcastic tone.

"Stop! I'm not joking. You do this damn near every day." I said becoming even more frustrated.

"Ok damn! I'm sorry! I will make an effort to do better"

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.

"That's six" he said close to my ear with that deep voice that will get your juices running...down your leg.

In return I gave that moan that would a have mans ego boosted to like 100. Then he had the nerve to smack my ass then rub it.

"Stop! Riley will be down here any moment."

"Ok I'll stop for know but just know it's the last time tonight your gonna say that word."

He had this dominant vibe that he was giving off that I couldn't do anything but nod my head

"Riley! Come on it's time to eat!" He screamed for our son to come downstairs.

We ate and talked about our day then it was time for clean up.

"You go and get Riley ready for bed and I'll clean up" Michael told me.

"Alright. Come on Riley, I'll read you a bedtime story." One thing about my son is he is very smart he actually like to read and go to school "daycare."
"Cool! Come on mommy I already know which book I want."

(Upstairs in Riley's room)
"Ok Riley now that you are all fresh and clean, go get the book you want me to read."
"Okay. Here this one mommy" he gave me the book as he got into the bed.
"Okay Riley...let's see...Once upon a time..."
I didn't even get to the middle of the book before he was out. Now it's play time...adult edition. I start walking down the hall to my room and Michael has got it adult ready. Let me tell ya'll a little secret, we have a pole( I refuse to call it a striping pole) in our room that comes from the ceiling. With the touch a button, a small part of the ceiling opens up and the pole comes down, right in front of the bed. Back before I met Michael I had was a exotic dancer (not a striper ), well anyway that's how I paid my way threw college. So after Michael and I became "official" he of course made me stop dancing, but he told me, HE was the only one I needed to dance for. So he put this pole up. Our house by the way is built from scratch so not only do we have the pole but our room is sound proof...thank the heavens, because I'm not the quiet type. Anyway the room was did up he had the candles out and lit, he had some rose pedals, the whole nine yards. There was also this piece of lingerie laying on the bed. Out of now where my favorite song starts to play

Hey baby how you doing tonight
I wanna let you know
I wanna tell you just how I feel
I wanna love you baby
And it's going so right
I wanna burn a candle
Turn the darkness to the light

With the fire we make
It's getting hotter and hotter
Like a moth to a flame
I can't stay away
From the fire we make
It's getting higher and higher
Like the night to the day
I can't stay away
No no no... (yeah)... no
(Oh yeah)
No No... (yeah)... stay away
~Fire we make~Alicia keys~
"Go put that on Bella" he came up behind kinda startling me.
"Holy shit! You scared me, but I'll be right back" I walked off to the bathroom, ours connects to the room. As I walked I put extra emphasis on my hips making them sway a bit more the usual. Once I got to the bathroom door and turned back looking over my shoulder, I gave him a wink and blew him a kiss. That gets to him every time.
"Fuck baby! You shooting for 7 times tonight?"
"Of course I am daddy. " Then I shut the door before he could respond
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