~Chapter 24~

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I was slowly pulled from my sleep as I felt hands slide up my thigh up towards my hips. I figured if it was a dream I didn't want to wake up.

"Bella. I know you're not sleep. Wake up." Michael said between sending kisses up my neck then sucking on my spot.

"Michael what are you doing?" It came out more like a moan.

"What does it feel like. Wake up Bella."

"Michael you do know what time it is right." I couldn't think straight because it was 2:00 am and I couldn't stop the feeling that was building up in the pit of my stomach due to the light touches.

"Yeah I do." He said now kissing downward.

It's been to long since I have some. He got to my little girlfriend and stopped. Asshole.

"Don't tease me."

"What the magic word?"

"If you don't stop I promise this will be the last time you ever touch me."

That was a total lie.

"Say the magic word and I'll have you screaming." He said looking up at me while still lightly kissing on my thighs.

"Michael stop playing."

I was just about to breakdown and say please when my phone rang.

"Answer it Bella."

"Michael stop playing."

"I'll stop if you don't."

"WHAT!" Before I realized it was Jade.

"Well damn. Anyway turn on channel 5 like right now."

" At 2:00 in the morning?"

"Yes just do it!"

I sat up kinda scared because of the tone of voice. I pushed Michael from away and grabbed the remote.


"Just do it."


"Baby turn on channel 5." I told Michael as I hung up the phone.

He turned the channel on and it was none other than Wendy Willams.

"Welcome back to hot topics. So sexy bachelor Micheal Giovanni has a child! We see him with this little boy pretty much every day. Question is how is the mother. I want to know. The little boy is cute and obviously mixed with what to assume is black. So to all the ladies out there, if your trying to get with Micheal Giovanni, be prepared to be a stepmom."

Now I really don't like Wendy Willams because she just takes shit to far. Always gotta put her 2cent in. Nobody is going to be my children's stepmother.

"Michael I told you I do not want for the paparazzi to be all in my business or our kids life."

"Don't worry Bella. Everything will be fine."

"how can you say that when its all over the gossip sites that you have kids and they have pictures of you at Riley's school?"

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