~Chapter 13~

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December 25th
10:30 am

So it's Christmas and today is the day I do a pop up check on my husband. I know some of yall think I'm going overboard with this but I'm tired of coming second to his damn job. I'm not bringing a baby to this annoying situation we got going on now. Some changes need to be made.
So because it's Christmas I decided to take Riley out for breakfast and then it's time for this pop up.

"Come on Riley lets go give daddy his Christmas gift."

He thinks that we are here to just be here with his dad for Christmas so he got him a gift.

"Okay. Mommy. You think daddy will like it?"

"Of course. It came from you. So I think he will love it."
I rented a car so we don't have to depend on a cab. I pulled up to the address that the investigator gave me. This was no condo it was a full blown house. What the hell he need a whole house for? Like you only come here for business. He better be glad it's not bigger than the house in Georgia.
I put Riley on my hip hot the gift and walked up the stairs.

It was about 8 cars parked.  If I didn't know any better I'd say he's having a party. Well the Queen Bitch is finna crash this shit.
I rang the doorbell about twice before it was answered. Can someone tell me why it was the same girl that he was caught seen with the last time he was here. What the hell is going on.

"Your late! The help is in the kitchen preparing to set the table. Why did you bring this child with you?"

"Excuse me?" What the hell was she talking about?

"I swear I can't work with you black niggers."

I bout lost my damn mind.

"Dear lord. I come to you today as humble as possible. I ask that you give me the strength to not knock this bitch in her face. I have my son right here and I don't want him see his mother go to jail. I also don't want to give birth in prison. So Lord, please Lord, keep my hands at bay. You said that all things are possible through you, so I believe that it is possible for me not to stomp this hoe 10ft under. In your name I pray."

I opened up my eyes and the bitch was seriously just staring at me like I'm the crazy one.

"You nigg..."

"Listen princess, I advise you to choose you next few words REAL careful. I'm so close to knocking you in the mouth."

"Then you threaten me. Why does Michael put up with you people?"

That reminded me that she's not who I came to see so bump her.

"Whatever. Where is Michael?"

"Why do you need my man?"

"Your who? You know sometimes my hearing goes out." Don't let her say what I think she just said.

"Not that it's any of your concern but, my man. What do you want with my man?"

Did she just...did he just...Ohhh HELL naw!

~Thanks for reading. Later~

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