~Chapter 23~

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"Nothing last forever"

1 month later

Things have been going great for me. I got 3 healthy kids and a devoted man. Michael is doing his part, he's actually being a father. Best part is he's taking me on a date tonight, like a real date.

This past month got so busy at the boutique I've devoted much of my time to my store. This will be a much needed break.

"Mama the door bell!" I heard Riley scream from his room. Dang I didn't even hear it. I taught him to never open the door without my permission.

"Ok baby. Thank you."

I went to the door and it was Michael. I haven't given him a key yet because like I told him it's not going to be easy getting back with me.

"Hey Michael come on in. The twins just went down for their nap, Riley is in his room." He ignored me a kissed me like never before, that type of kiss that make your knees go weak.

Oh Lord, he either wants something or did something.

"Michael, what was that for? Not that I'm complaining"

"Nothing Bella, I just love you." I side eyed him.

"What do you want?"

"Do you have ask?" He pulled me in a start kissing my neck and rubbing on a ass.

"Riley I-is ups-s-stairs."

" Prometto di essere tranquillo." Oh that gets me every time. I felt his hands now on the inside of my pants. I was wearing some yoga pants so it was easy access for him.

"I don't know what you just said, you need to stop before you start something you can't finish."

"I said I promise to be quiet but I think I want to hear you loud and clear." He stopped kissing but his hands kept roaming and he knows my body to well.

"Michael stop. Go say hello to Riley."

"Later Bella you are all mine."

"Yes sir."

I love that he is still attracted to me. Having 3 kids definitely put some extra weight in places. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the door bell ring. I opened it without looking to see who it was. BIG MISTAKE

"Aria!?!? How do you know where I live." She had this smirk on her face. Lord I don't want to go to jail today.

"I tracked my mans phone here. Listen you little black gold digging bitch, you need to stay away from him. You and your kind always want to pry on the rich. Stay within your own people —you know the no for goods, always end up in jail, yeah those are your people."

Ok so I'm going to jail, I let the bitch off once but now you want to down my entire race. Oh bitch no!

So I did what anyone else would do I popped that bitch in her mouth.

"OMG! Are you some animal!?! You just messed up big time."

"No bitch you jus-"

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