~Chapter 6~

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Thursday 26th
9:00 pm

Holy Shit.

Oh my Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm pregnant!!

I'm looking at the test and all three of them are positive. Like clearly positive. Like I hate when females take the first response and you barely see the second line. That's not my case though. I can clearly see the second line. I'm getting
More and more excited. I have to call and make an appointment to see the obgyn.

I don't know how Michael is gonna feel about us having another baby. We haven't really talked about it. Just as I was about to hop in the shower my phone rang. Speak of the devil.

"Michael please explain to me why you haven't called to check on at least your son?"

"Well hello to you too. I'm sorry I have been just really busy. Some stuff went down up here."

"So you were to busy to check on your family? Yeah...ok."

"Whatever Tanaé. I just told you I am busy. I don't have time to play these games with you!"

I must've looked at my phone to make sure I wasn't crazy. Did this dude just say he is busy?

"Well excuse the flying FUCK out of me! Sorry that my son and I are a waste of your time. I completely understand Mr. Giovanni. You are very busy man. Have your people call my people when you can pencil in some time to just talk to us." ThenI hung up.

Don't nobody got time to be dealing with that shit. He tried calling and texting be but I sent him straight to voicemail.

Well my night was kinda messed up. I
Just remembered I never told y'all why Riley and I don't have Michaels last name. Well Michael is the CEO of a large oil and gas company. I mean it's huge. So when we got married, which was the court house he told me that he didn't want people to find out and be all up in our business. Which I'm thankful for because sometimes they like to pry and they follow him around a lot. Then with Riley it was pretty much the same. Riley would have to live in the lime light if people found out who his dad was. Luckily Riley doesn't know that his dad is so important, to him Michael is just his dad.

Excuse any errors.
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~Thanks for reading. Later~

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