~Chapter 26~

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3 years later

3 years... That's how long it's been since I have seen or talked to Michael. After he told me that the kids aren't his I slapped the taste out of his mouth and kicked his add out.

He of course tried to send flowers and cards but I just sent it all back. That was the last straw for me. I gave him my all and for him to say some shit like that was not going to fly by me.

Enough about his ass. In the past two years I have stepped my game up. I not only own a boutique but now I am a celebrity stylist. I also moved from Georgia and now I am in California.

The kids are doing so amazing Riley is 8 turning 9 and he is such the "man" of the house. The twins are just growing up to

School starts in a couple days for Riley and we need to do some shopping for him.

"Riley, Lets go. We have been waiting on you!"

"Okay mom."
A week later
"Riley come on it's time to get up so you can go to school." I told Riley as I was trying to wake him up. I have been at this for the last 15 minutes.

"I don't want to go."

"Well you don't have a choice. Get up and dressed and come down stairs. You have 15 minutes."

"Ok mom."


I dropped the twins off at daycare and now I am on the way to take Riley off at school.

"You ready to start school?"

"Yeah. I already know who my teacher is and I like her."

"That's good. Remember that you go to school to learn. So we will not have repeat of last year will we?"

Last year, Riley had a bit of trouble in school. I don't blame him because that is when he really understood what was going on with his father and I. This year though, he has promised not to get into trouble.
After school

I just walked into The after school program building, about to pick Riley up from there.

"Hi I am here for my son Riley." I told the teacher.

"Ok ma'am one moment."

When She went outside to get him I heard the daycare door open behind me, so out of curiosity I turned my head to see who it is...

I turned my head and baybeh! This man man is all types of sexy. He looked to be about one of the sexiest man alive. He's got some white chocolate going on with big ass ripped muscles and then he had the nerve to smile at me with those perfect white teeth. He is just so perfect...I think I need to change my panties.

It's been way to long

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It's been way to long...I need to get laid.


I was interrupted from eye raping him by Riley screaming my name.
"Hey baby come on let's go."

"Excuse me beautiful...my name is Joshua, and you are a very beautiful women."

Oh God please help me. It's been Three years.

"Well thank you Joshua. My name is Tanaé."

"It's not everyday day that I see such a beautiful women."

Is he flirting with me?

"Mommy I'm hungry." I heard Riley say.

"Uhm thank you for your compliment Joshua."

With that I walked off with Riley right by me.


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