~Chapter 25~

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"Get the hell Out of my House you fucking asshole"

I Could not believe that the man that I loved and gave my life to would say some shit like to me. I can't belive that I actually loved that asshole. I have put up with a lot shit and for him to say that our kids are not his... I am beyond hurt.

When Micheal left I just knew that I couldn't be with him anymore. I don't want anything to do with him. Since He knew my address I knew that I had to get the kids and at least get a hotel just for tonight.

I was able to get the kids and we started going towards the closest hotel. Luckily the closest was not even 15 minutes from my house.

"Welcome to the Berlin Hotel. How can I help you?" The front desk lady said to me when I walked into the lobby of the hotel.

"Hello can I get room with two queen beds please?"

"Sure thing. How long will you need this room?"

I didn't really plan on staying here for s long time but I decided to go head and stay for at least two days.

"2 days will do."

"Ok. The total is $350."

God damn. These better be more than comfortable beds. What the hell am I paying for. I handed her my card and she gave me the key.

Riley was being a big boy, even though he was sleep before I couldn't carry him and the twins so he had to stay up and walk while I carried the twins.

"Come on Riley. We can go to our room and then you can go to sleep baby."

I knew that he was beyond tired. It was like 2am.

"Ok mommy."

It's  been two days now since being here in this hotel and I am packing up our stuff.

"Mommy are we going to see daddy today?" Riley asked me.

I don't even know what to tell him at this point.

"Uh...not today baby."

"When can we see him?"

Come on man.

"Uh I don't know Riley maybe later."

"Ok mommy."

"Come on baby. I need you to help carry your bag and your brother and and sisters bag."

I handed him his backpack and the twins diaper bag.

"Are we going home mommy?"

"Yes baby come on."

I was getting slightly irritated with the 21 questions coming from him.
When we got back to my house I took the kids in and got them settled in. When I went upstairs I seen some of Michael's belonging and just seeing them mad me even more upset.

So I took them all out of my closet and grabbed that so called engagement ring and took them outside and put them in the car that Michael bought me ...poured bleach on it and lit that shit on fire. 

I was walking back into my house when a car pulled up into my drive way and when I seen who it was I almost doubled over with laughter

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I was walking back into my house when a car pulled up into my drive way and when I seen who it was I almost doubled over with laughter.

"Tanaé what the hell are you doing!"

"Well hello Michael..." I said with a smirk.
Short I know.

Long time no talk. My fault...writers block is a bitch.

Love you guys.

Actually make comments please

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