~Chapter 38~

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I be crying dead over y'all comments Two chapters within 24 hours...
Joshua had been here for the past 20 minutes and the sexual tension was through the roof. Why is so sexy? I'm glade Micheal hadn't come back yet...Lord know how that would be. I don't know what to do about him. That's all Joshua and I have been talking about because I need a males perspective.
" I just don't know what to do about the kids dad. I know some people might say that keeping the kids away from was just because of what he did to me. In all honesty, it's what he did to all of us that I want to protect them from. He keep saying that he tried to be a father and that I took that chance away from him, but to me any real man wouldn't need permission to be a father. He left Atlanta and left his family. It's the inconsistency that I want to protect my kids from. A real man wouldn't let three of his kids be in the world without his last name. Before the twins, he, Riley and I lived in the same house and he was not there for us."

Finally an adult to talk to. Wynter is my best friend but she a little crazy.

"Well beautiful, I think that it does a great disservice to your children to keep them away at all cost. Kids need their father. Enough about you children's father. I want to talk about you now that I know Riley is okay. I want to invite you on another date since our first was cut short."

Maybe I can get laid...you need to get to church.

"Uhmmm I don't know. Riley is just getting his health back I don't feel comfortable with-"
Before I could finish my sentence...he attacked my lips! And let me tell youuuu it was an attack that I so approved of. His lips were like kissing heaven it self. They are so soft yet firm. He even did some tricks with his tongue I didn't know was possible. Then he grabbed my ass and started rubbing it. Man I love me some booty rubs!

"Hey Bella sorry it took so long. The McDonald's over here was closed so I got the next best thing, jack-n-the box. If I remember-. what the hell!"

Next thing I know Joshua is being ripped from embrace and then Micheal was sending blow after blow to his face! I didn't even here Micheal first come in I was so wrapped up in the lip attack. It wasn't until he yelled that brought me back to reality.

"Micheal! Stop before you get kicked out of here!" I had to physically pull Micheal off of Joshua and that was not an easy job.

"Micheal?" Joshua spoke first looking confused.

"Antonio?!? What are you doing here? What the hell are kissing on my woman for?"

"Your woman? Since when did you have a women?"

"Wait you two know each other?" I'm completely confused.

"Yeah Bella this is my cousin Antonio. Wait how do know him?"


"Wait wait wait...Who is Antonio? His name is Joshua" this time I directed the question to Joshua...or whatever his name is.

"Yeah beautiful. My full name is Joshua-Antonio. How do you know Micheal?"

"Didn't I just say she was mine? Address her by her name. Nothing else." Still standing behind, Micheal tried to lung at Joshua.

"Micheal stop! Riley is sleeping!" I'm not surprised he didn't wake up that boy could sleep through an earthquake and tsunami.

"Answer my question Tanaé, how do you know him and what is he doing here."

Uhm awkward!

"His a friend of mine! Not that I need to explain myself to you!"

"Why the hell is kissing on you and feeling up on your ass then?"

"Uhm because I was just talking to her about our date. She's got some nice ass lips to. Her ass is perfection. You missed out! Beautiful is this the punk ass baby father of your you were talking about?" Ugh he's more petty than me...childish!

Of course Micheal didn't like that so he literally pushed me aside and pushed Joshua to the nearest wall and jacked his ass up. I'm talking straight blow for blow. Head combos. Thats when Riley woke and started crying. He must been scared out of his sleep from all the noise.

"Micheal stop! Your son is crying. Your in a Children's hospital damn it. Stop acting like child!"

He finally let up on Joshua and I felt so bad. One eye was cut open, while the other was close shut. It was straight black eye. His lip was busted and I'm sure he had a concussion.

"Joshua! I'm going to drive you home. It's not safe driving with one eye!" I went looking for my jacket when Micheal stopped me

"Like hell im going to let you be alone with him. I just walked in on you two kissing each other. He can drive!"

"Yeah maybe if your childish ass didn't go beating him up. He can't see! Stay here with Riley and I will be back!"
I went over to Riley who was confused at what just happened.

"Sorry munchkin that you were woken up by all the noise. I'm leaving for a minute but I'll be back. Your dad is going to be here with you."

"Okay mommy. But hurry back."

"I'll be back before you know it".
I was able to get Joshua out of the hospital room without anymore commotion between the two. Luckily he had some sunglasses in his jacket to hide his black eye.

We got to car and I helped him in. He told me his address.

"You know Joshua, that was not cool at all. You didn't not have to provoke him like that! It was so uncalled for."

"I can't believe your punk ass baby father is my cousin. Wait! Are you the girl that came to New York and kicked his ex fiancées ass?!? I remember you now. What a small world!"

I don't even what to think of that bitch. She can stay right where she is at...in the past.

"But that's okay...because I'll get the ultimate prize. you."
Leave your commentary.

Some of y'all big mad at Tanaé 😂😂
Joshua got his ass handed to him but he not giving up.

Excuse mistakes.

Love you folks 😘

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