~Chapter 10~

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<<This Chapter is Dedicated to starburst77 >>

December 9th
4:30 pm

So Michael has been here now for a couple days and he is in the dog house with both Riley and myself. Riley is not talking to him. Thing is though Michael hasn't really apologized to either of us. He came back home expecting us to act like nothing happened. I don't know what to do.

"Tanaé, Bella, I love you. I want to make up for the stress I caused. We are going to have a date night. Tonight be ready at 8." He told me coming up behind grabbing onto my hips. 

I moved out of his embrace for two reasons, first, he was going to take it steps further, second, he still doesn't know about the baby. I'm surprised he hasn't figured it out yet.
I am happy that I finally get to go on a date. I wonder where it's gonna be.

"Ok. What should I wear?" I tried to not sound to excited.

"Something comfortable. Casually yet not your average outfit."

"Ok. I got it. What about Riley?"

"I've got that covered. Don't worry about it. Here's my black card. Go shopping, get your nails done all that girly stuff."

I see he's trying. This is definitely a step to the direction.

I'm coming home from the mall. I decided to change my looks bit I got a  bob haircut, my nails are black and I bought a cute outfit. I decided to come home exactly at 8:00 so Michael can be surprised.

I walked in to a stressed looking Michael.

"What's wrong Michael?"

He turned around to look at me.

"Tanaé where...oh damn. Baby you look sexy."

"Thank you. Thank you. I do try." I did a 360 showing him my outfit and hair.

"Yeah I can see. Well close your eyes and don't peak."

I closed my eyes and felt him direct me what felt like the door.

He guided me a few steps and stopped. Oh please don't be outside in my backyard.

"Ok open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and we was outside in my backyard. Any other day I would love to come out here. For a date though? Not so much.

"What's wrong? You ok?"

"We are outside. I thought you said that you would take me on a date. When I told you I wanted I wanted to go on a date, I didn't mean in my own backyard!"

"Damn Tanaé! Nothing is good enough for you. I try and make you happy and you just can't be great full. questo è di arrivare a essere così fastidioso. Io non posso fare niente per voi!
<<This is getting to be so annoying. I can't do anything for you now!>>

"Don't start speaking Italian! I want to go out. Like on a date. You took your little friend out on a date but won't take me. My own husband won't take me out. Oh that's right I'm not married, right?"

"What are you talking about, you not being married. Yes the hell you are."

"My so called husband doesn't act like it."

"Tanaé is to that serious."

By now we where both in the house going at it. So much for letting him know.

I suddenly felt this sharp pain in my stomach and I doubled over in pain.

"Tanaé! Are you okay what's wrong. Come on let's go to the hospital."

"Now you care."

"Tanaé what wrong with you. Tell me wats going on."

"I'm pregnant. Not that my asswhip of a husband cares."

Excuse all mistakes
~Thanks for Reading. Later~

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