~Chapter 35~

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I feel so ashamed. After all the hurt and pain this man has caused me, he still has that sexual pull on me. What is wrong with you girl. Oh wait your horny.

"Tanaé are you just going to stand at the door all day?"

"Micheal I-I thought you were going to call me when you got here." Why am nervous right now? After 3 years he still makes me stutter.

"Well I got here earlier when you were sleep and decided to let you sleep. I went and got us some breakfast and coffee. By time I got back you were gone".

I walked fully into the hospital room. I don't know why but I was a little nervous to be so close to him. Three years and the mans body did an upgrade. He was always sexy but right now it seemed as if his muscles got bigger and they were just about to bust up out of his jacket. After 3 years he still can make my Kitty jump.

Hold up! Aren't you supposed to be mad at him? He did you dirty we don't like him plus, you in the damn hospital get it together.

"You could've woken me up. I wouldn't have mind. I need to let the doctors know that you here so he can start the process on Riley" I went to the side of the hospital bed and pressed the button to get the nurses attention.

"Nurses station what can I help you with" this nurse had a little bit of an attitude for no reason.

"Yes can you send my sons doctor in here."

"Our doctors are busy, is there something that I can help you with." she had the most stank attitude. Please don't make me go to jail for popping a nurse in pediatrics.

"Yes I have already asked what I need from you. I need to tell my sons doctor, whenever he non busy, to come in here. Thank you so much."

"Still the same Tanae, I see." Micheal said Pulling up a chair next to me.

"What is that supposed to mean? Thank for the food by the way" He handed me the food and I don't care how awkward this might be, I was hungry and was not about to turn down any food.

" You are still so direct with people."

"Well yeah. There was no reason for her to have that sort of tone with me. We are in a hospital, she gets paid to transport messages to the doctors."

Before he got the chance to respond, my phone started to ring. It just so happened to be Joshua. I'm really happy that I met him, he is so sweet and caring. However this conversation might be weird because Micheal is in the room.


"Hey Beautiful. How is everything? How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing good. I'm actually about to eat."

"Oh you eating now? I was bringing you some food. Well at least you are eating right."

That would have been super weird, if he showed up while Micheal is here. I don't want to have to explain to either one of them the relationship that I have with the other. Even though its not really a relationship with Joshua...yet

"No, I'm okay. Thanks for thinking about me though."

"Of course. So did Rileys father get there?" I look over at Micheal who happens to be staring at me. I could tell that he was trying to figure out who I was talking to.

"Yes he was. Hey thanks so much for checking on Riley and I but I'm going to call you back."

"Alright beautiful. Call me later."

"Was that your boyfriend" he said in a mocking tone.

"Grow up Micheal. Not that it's your business but no he's not my boyfriend but I went out with him."

"What's his name?"

Not he is not trying to question me.

"Don't question me like I'm your kid."

"Are we going to talk about why you moved to L.A?"

Here we go.

"No. I moved that's all that you need to know."

"Tanaé we need to talk about...

Before he finished Rileys monitors started to go off and in rushed nurse after nurse.

"He's waking up! Get the parents out and call his doctor." The head nurse started barking orders to the other nurses and Micheal and I were escorted out.

"Can you explain what is happening."
I asked the nurse that walked us out.

"I don't want to speak out of turn but it's looking like Riley is waking waking up by himself. I've never seen someone that lost that much blood, go into a coma and still wake up on their on. The doctors will be out to explain the rest."

"Oh my gosh I can't believe this Micheal. They said it wasn't possible. Thank the Lord."

I was so happy I couldn't contain it. I needed to hug someone. I reached over and hugged Micheal the next thing I knew my lips touched his and we started kissing.
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