Paper Towns

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[authors note: EHC is no longer a series. It will be a series of dylena one-shots. Request for one shot ideas are open! Thanks. This is my getaway from writing any series.]

P.S. There are movie spoilers.

: in which Selena and Dylan watch Paper Towns together & they're both single in present life

+ selena

@dylanobrien: Who's hitting  #PaperTowns this weekend? @NatandAlex is gonna kill it :)

It started with a tweet.

I wasn't planning on going with anyone to watch Paper Towns even though I really wanted to watch it.

I chewed on my lip while I kept an eye on iMessage that was already opened to Dylan's name. I haven't hung out with him in a while... Maybe I should say hi, but he must've been busy with the new season of Teen Wolf, his new movie and press conferences for the Scorch Trials.

Wow? I've just noticed that I've been quite caught up with his whereabouts. Probably cause we haven't been talking to each other in a while.

I hovered over to the call button and closed my eyes tightly before placing the phone next to my ear.

Ring... Ring... Ringgggggg... "Selena?"

"Hey Dylan, how are you?" I greeted already regretting calling him. This was either gonna end great or awful.

"Uh busy with filming. How about you?" He asked fast wanting to get over this conversation.

I thought about if I could just tell him, but then he'd probably be thinking no already. "I've been in the studio."

"Oh right... I can't wait for it." Dylan mentioned. "Selena, why'd you call me?"

I covered my face with my hand. Yeah, he was getting suspicious about something. "Do you want to watch Paper Towns with me?"

"Wait, rewind it back. I'll do it!" I squinted my eyes before realizing what he was doing. "Selena, do you want to watch Paper Towns with me?"

I giggled. "Yes, I would like that! Okay... Text me the details cause I know you're busier than I am right now."

"See ya!" Dylan exclaimed before hanging up on me.


This was a bad idea.

"We're the only ones here don't worry!" Dylan practically yelled walking next to the theater self service machine.

He purchased tickets for the 11:35 pm showing of Paper Towns and hopefully no one would plan to watch it as late as we're watching it right now.

I was used to watching movies alone where my friends or family would just be the only ones in the auditorium. Being Dylan, he didn't care much in the world because he wanted to use his money wisely.

"Okay, but if we end up getting mobbed. I'm not the one being blamed." I commented.

We both got our necessary snacks for the movie stuffing our faces with nachos, popcorn and icee's! I was the one who offered to pay since he was the one to pay for the tickets.

When we went to our auditorium, Dylan ran all the way near the back where barely anyone would go to. It was in the middle of a few trailers so I guess we've passed the sitting through all the intermissions.

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