Dylan O'Brien // INJURED

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[an: PRAYERS TO DYLAN FOR FAST RECOVERY. This was my take on his situation bruh. love you.]

: deelawn's accident on set w worried sealenah ☺️ & disclaimer; Britt and D are NOT dating.

I posed with a pout, smile and several expressions on my face for the photoshoot. For some reason, I felt an ill-stomach feeling in my body. This has never happened to me. It was weird.

"That's great, Selena. How about let's take a break for a few minutes for the last look." They gave me a thumbs up before Hung walked me through the white obstacles.

He sat me down in front of the mirror while I took out my phone for any new updates. Nothing new, except Papa sent me a few pictures of himself with some of my Selenators. They're lucky enough since Papa never came out of the house unless he was held onto me.

I clicked on my snapchat app, but I was interrupted when a certain person called my phone. "Hey, I gotta take this call for a moment." I quickly ran to the bathroom and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Selena! Oh My God, I'm so glad you called even though I saw your snapchat, I know you're super busy but I really have to tell you something." Tori took one last deep breath and waited for my answer.

"I'm not busy, my shoot is almost finished, why? Did something happened?"

"Don't freak out! Yeah, you might see later that Dylan's been trending on Twitter and all of this social media craze, something bad happened to him on set and he got a few bruises--"

"Oh God," My stomach did feel something weird earlier and it was probably because of Dylan. "I want to see him. I want to know if he's okay. If he's in one piece."

I grew close to Tori, Dylan's personal assistant, since she was Ashley's, my personal assistant's, close friend from way back. She was the one who influenced me to actually like some Dylena photos from Instagram, but she was also the one who told me to stop for a few days because I was getting too obvious. "He's in one piece, but Ashley told me you're fully booked until two more days."

"No, I can sneak a few hours just to see my friend right?" Ew, I don't like using the word friend.


"No buts! I need to see him!" I begged her for what seemed to take longer than it would when I begged to other people.

"Fine, I can call Ashley and tell her the flight details and everything. Just make sure you still look fabulous in front of that camera." Tori hung up the phone while I breathed in and out in front of the mirror.

I need to recollect myself. I need to hide my emotions. "Happy Selena!" I looked at myself and smiled as wide as I could.

"Selena?" Hung asked right after I closed the bathroom door. "Are you alright?"


"Okay, come on. One last shoot until pack-up."

When we got ready for the last shoot. I had to hold myself together. It might have tricked the camera and the staff for this photoshoot, but my friends knew something was bothering me.

We were done in an hour until I said all my goodbyes. Ashley got in the car with me before we got on our merry way to the airport. "So I got the private jet and our flight is about three hours, also Tori will pick us up at the airport."

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