Valentine's Day Date.

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It was early morning when I started to watch a marathon of FRIENDS which always made me happy. I loved the chemistry they all had with each other. I was checking my phone from time to time because I wondered if Dylan was awake yet. I knew he would be in set or something or even sleeping. I rubbed my eyes and headed out of bed because my stomach had grumbled so much times already. When I was heading downstairs, a photo of Dylan and I popped up with his name flashing, Prince Lan ♛. I smiled and slid my finger to answer the call.

Dylan: Hey! Good morning and happy Valentine's Day Sel.

Selena: Good morning and happy Valentine's Day as well.

Dylan: I can't wait for tonight.

Selena: Make sure no sudden surprises ok? Even though I love getting scared... It's not really for the occasion.

Dylan: I would never do that to you though, hahaha. But I actually have something for you, I dropped it off at the front of your door.

Selena: Stalker much.

Dylan: Sorry, I actually wanted to surprise you. I couldn't wait. I wanted to give it to you the other night, but it was a very Valentine's Day gift.

Selena: Really? Is it cool?

Dylan: Yes! Go get it before I get sad.

Selena: Fine I'm going.

Dylan: Wait, Sel I need to go. They're calling me for the last taping so we could go home and celebrate with our lovers on Valentine's Day.

Selena: Sure, bye Dylan! See you later.

Dylan: Bye!

I went outside and saw a white box with roses on top and a pink bow that wrapped around both items. I excitedly picked them up and smelled the fresh roses that were so red and daring. I went inside and read the card that was on top of the card.

It read, "Dear Beautiful Selena, Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you enjoy your morning without me because I have to go to taping, but I hope you will cherish and love the gift that I have bought for you. I wish we could spend our lives together J teehee. Happy Valentine's Day and see you later. Like, Dylan."

I laughed when he signed his ending as Like, Dylan.

I opened the box which was filled with pink paper wrapper. I ripped it open to find a red D&G tote that was similar to the black one Dylan gave last year around his birthday. { AN: Guys! About the tote, Selena has been carrying totes which I played on to be as gifts from Dylan. I would love to believe that its true. #dylenafeels } I hugged it and screamed at the top of my lungs at how happy I was. I texted him.

To: Prince Lan ♛

-    Thank you very much for the gift.  I love it.

I started to get dressed up to go to work for a while because I wanted to at least get updated with the events that I needed to go to since spring Breakers was premiering in most cities out of the United States. I dressed up in a long tank top which went all the way below my butt including shorts plus a white cardigan. I added a scarf because it seemed to be a bit chilly when I went outside to get the gifts. I decided to use the red tote that Dylan gave me to have at least the Valentine's Day color. I lastly put on my black boots which were comfy as can be. I grabbed a bagel before heading out my house.

I didn't have anything planned for the fabulous Valentine's Day. I never not liked Valentine's Day and being single wasn't at all a problem for me. Dylan was planning something special for tonight which made my toes curl. I went inside the office where all my team had met up every time there was an event. I saw everyone wearing a color of the day which was cute because no one was angry about it being Valentines Day.

I smiled and sat down the desk which had nothing but a normal laptop. I started to play on it and check my twitter. "Let me give my fans some love." I said while scrolling to find the camera for the laptop. I posed with my phone and clicked the camera which counted down until I saw the screen flash which concluded that the photo was taken.

I tweeted, @selenagomez: Sometimes Pearls are a girl's bestfriend, LOL. Happy Valentines Day everyone!!

My friends and I decided to head out to get some lunch before we got attacked by so many paparazzi's so I had to hide my face.


When it was almost night time, I went back home and got dressed in a long red dress which covered one sleeve and the other none. It was unique, but fabulous. I went outside to see Dylan leaning in his car and twirling his keys around his finger. I locked my door and walked slowly to the gate to finally stand in front of Dylan. He slowly looked up and had his mouth in an O shape.

I giggled, "Wow, am I really that gorgeous?"

It took him a few moments to get back to reality and nod, "Well, you're really special."

He held my hand and twirled me around, "You look amazingly beautiful."

"Thanks." I said while blushing a pink shade in my face.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek before he opened the door for me to go inside his car. I went inside and he closed it then he ran to his door. He started the engine and headed towards the place where we would have our dinner. In the car we kept on singing the songs from the radio which made me laugh so much because Dylan was never a singer. He started to slow down the car when we headed to the parking lot in the beach, there was no one there. Thank God.

When we both got out of the car, we headed to a white table which was circled around a bunch of white candles which looked beautiful.

"I hope this is ok for you." Dylan reassured while I got teary eyed.

I hugged him, "This is amazing."

He pulled the chair back so I could sit and then he sat across from me. I was surprised when I saw Dylan's friend from Panera that I was introduced to, Tyler Hoechlin. He gave us the meals which was pasta and salmon. Classy. The meal was amazing because I really love food so much. After, we decided to walk to the beach for a while. I slipped out of my wedges and let Dylan hold it because he insisted since I was already pulling up my dress. We walked a few feet away from the water since we could never know what would happen.

He decided to lay out his jacket on the sand so we could both sit down. He sat down while I sat in front of him and leaned back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled.

"This was a lovely night." Dylan said making me smile even wider and I nodded.

"This was the best date we've ever had actually." I stated making him nod then.

After a few brief moments, Dylan finally broke the comfortable silence we were having.

"I love you, Selena." He almost shout-whispered in my ear over the silent waves that were occurring.

I was shocked at what he had told me, but I was expecting it.

"I love you, Dylan." I said feeling him place a soft kiss on my lips. It was sweet with the hint of sparks which was amazing.

This was the best date ever. 

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