Gelato & Italy Nights

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{an: Thanks so much to camilacabellos for telling me about Dylan and Selena being Italy at the same time... So in my ways, I wanted to write about Selena and Dylan actually meeting up! What a great idea & I hope you enjoy!}

I groaned when I saw the wifi going really slow. "I hate iPhones." I walked around the room to see if there had been better service. I shook my head. "Yeah this isn't gonna work."

I decided to go next door to Holland's room cause waiting for the wifi didnt get me anywhere.

"And what is this I see? Mr. Dylan O'Brien wanting Holland Roden's presence." She praised herself, but I just squinted my eyes to show her how crazy she was right now. "What? I like to think I'm the best."

I shrugged. "Have you gotten any wifi?"

She shook her head. "Absoutely not, but I'm about to go downstairs and ask them again after I take a loving nap."

She'll take a long time. A really long time.

"I'll go find out right now, but I'll catch up with you when I see you guys later."

Holland gave a charming sleepy smile. "Fine, I'll see you later. Enjoy Italy!"

Yeah, all by myself. HA. No pun intended.

I entered the elevator that smelled a tint of alcohol and cigarettes at the same time-- well it smelled like pasta half of the time. I pressed the main lobby button and it was really quiet with no elevator music.

Once I got downstairs, there were no type of paparazzi's which I admired because paparazzi's back home would be all over my face by now. I searched for the receptionist who looked American. I wasn't at all good at speaking another language except for english.

"I wanted to know about the wifi agreement or other wise the pass code?" I asked her sounding desperate at the moment.

She cleared her throat before talking. "Yes, you have paid all of the wifi coverage while you're staying here and the wifi pass codes would be 1332789. Enjoy your stay here, Mr. O'Brien." Right away I entered the password and it connected.

What is life without wifi?

I stayed in the lobby considering my room was ten floors up was a long ride. I checked for new messages or emails, just in case someone would have thought that I didn't have data here in Italy. I got quite a few from Mom and Julia.

A text message popped up catching my attention from the flappy bird that I was currently playing. It was from Selena. A smile crept up my face, but went to a confused face when I saw what she asked.

From: Selena - Where are you?

Why would she be asking that? We've kept quite a distant since she tried to shut most of the people from her life now a days. Not completely, but our conversations got smaller and smaller.

To: Selena - The beautiful city of Italy. Teen Wolf and Maze Runner.

I waited for a minute or two.

From: Selena - Great! We should meet!

My eyes went wide. I was in the same city as Selena? Out of all the places we could be at, we were in Italy.

To: Selena - Definitely! I'm free now.

My phone rang immediately after I sent the text. I swiped to answer. "Hey there Mr. Dylan O'Brien." Her voice was sounded the same as always, an angelic phones that rang like melodies through my ears.

The corner of my face curved up. "Hi there Miss Selena Gomez."

"Let's try a gelato place. It's I believe just a few blocks from where your hotel is."

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