Youtube Series: Meet Dylan & Selena

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[an: I'm gonna start this guys and I will make this effort because Selena and Dylan as Youtubers make my heart beat.]

@ d y l a n o b r i e n // @ s e l e n a g o m e z

I watched as Dylan shifted himself in his seat and looked directly in the screen where it viewed our faces. He picked on the tips of his hair before he gave up and stopped fixing it.

I rolled my eyes at his 'preparedness' to record a simple video. "Are we gonna post this on your channel or my channel?" I questioned and sat right next to where he was. It was my turn to fix my hair into a messy overdone bun, but I knew my viewers wouldn't mind a lazy natural beauty.

Dylan looked at me for a second then back at how we sat awkwardly next to each other. "We could do both? Introductions and questions!"

"Okay! I think I'm ready!" Both of us sat straight right when Dylan pressed the button behind the camera.


"Helllllooo my name is Dylan!" He gave a jolly greet to his viewers.

"And I'm Selena!" I waved when Dylan went on to explain what we were doing.

He moved for a nanosecond and closed the gap between our bodies side by side. "Since this is a video on my channel and I rarely do these question-answer videos, but it didn't occur to me that no one knew that I was close friends with a girly guru on Youtube! This will be our first collab together!"

"Our first? Aw!"

"We're here today to talk about how much Selena loves the Mets--" My eyes bulged out and he corrected it. "Just kidding! This is basically how we met as friends and how we cradled together in a baby bed."

"No! That's wrong and that sounds so weird." I laughed lightly. "Basically, Dylan is going to ask me questions that will make you guys know a few things about me! Let's start! Dylan's gonna ask me questions and I'll have to answer them as quick as I cause our start has already been two minutes long."

He read the first question. "What is your name?"

I gasped. "Wow, that's a hard question."

"Yeah, I should go start looking for some new friends... My best friend doesn't even know her name!" Dylan whined almost getting up from his seat, but I pushed him back down where he sat.

"My name is Selena Gomez." I answered and smiled brightly to the camera.

"Next question, do you have any nicknames?"

I grazed my chin thinking about it. "I don't really have nicknames, but usually people call me Sel or Gomez...? Should I tell them your nickname for me?"

"I mean, you can... It's weird saying you're name since I'm used to calling you by that."

I laughed. "Dylan calls me pickles and that's definitely another thing! I love pickles! Or anything I can eat!"

"What color are your eyes?" Dylan asked trying to see my eye color getting as close as he could in my face. "Darkish brown?"

I nodded. "Yeah, your eyes are a little lighter than mine I think."

"So... Who are your best friends?" Dylan already knew what I answer in a few seconds.

I had a big smile on my face considering I have fun answering this. "My best girl friend is Taylor, she does so much original songs, covers and cooking videos! And a guy friend is Dylan?"

"Why did you say it like that?" He frowned a bit, but he knew I was joking anyway. "Who was the last person you messaged?"

I leaned back and found my purse right above Dylan's pillow. I grabbed my phone instantly when I felt the smooth glass surface. "I think it might be Dylan-- Oh wait nope, it was my mom. I told her I'd come over, hahaha."

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