Text Messages (part two)

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[an; i heart all of you & I hope everyone's having a great almost Christmas! This was long overdue sooooo...]

January 23rd
11:00 pm

dylan: so when are we meeting?

selena: not soon, well we can meet this friday?

dylan: it's tuesday...?

selena: you don't want to see me?

dylan: well not because of that, but because you didn't give me enough time to prepare

selena: prepare for what?

dylan: prepare for our meet up, I have to look good for you ;)

selena: Ah! I see what you did there, isn't that a song or something?

dylan: maybe :)

January 26th
2:11 pm

selena: meet me at

She stopped texting before abruptly basically body-slamming the person in front of her. A few of his papers fell out of his folder while Selena shoved her phone in her hoodie pocket.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." The short brunette, compared to his height, helped him. "I should've watched where I was walking..."

They both stood up realizing they already saw each other from the party. "Wow, this is awkward... Why do we keep on bumping into each other?"

"I have no idea, but I was sort of in a hurry." He straightened his folder and notebook in front of him. "I hope we don't bump into each other again."

"Well, the worlds tiny so we might see each other." Selena giggled. "But I'm late to see my-- um-- boyfriend." Whoa, did I say I just had a boyfriend?

"Catch you later." Dylan stared at the brunette who waved bye to him.

His phone beeped.

selena: meet me at the starbucks downtown, i'll be the one wearing a navy blue school hoodie :)

dylan: on my way :)

2:47 pm

Selena sat patiently waiting for her iMessage penpal. She fixed her hair repeatedly tying it in a bun or making it fall loose on her shoulders. "Nope." She muttered to herself failing at the attempt to even shape it to a perfect bun.

Dylan hesitantly waltzed in the Starbucks cafe hiding himself from a few of the people he knew from school. He took out his phone making sure he was in the right place, but he remembered Selena telling him that she was wearing a hoodie, navy blue specifically.

He walked around until he stopped at the girl casually slurping on a frap texting on her phone. Her loose hair fell out perfectly off her shoulders. Dylan could only see the side of her face.

"Selena." He called out.

Selena turned slowly. She was afraid Dylan would end up not what she expected. Her body turned, but her eyes were still closed shut.

"Open your eyes." Dylan almost whispered while Selena shook her head.


Dylan took a moment and observed his 'girlfriend'. She wore light make-up that might have brightened her face and eyes if she ever opened her eyes. Her cheeks were rosy from the blush that appeared.

Selena felt a little childish not wanting to see her future 'boyfriend's' face. Well if they even like each other after this meeting.

"Selena, you've seen me before. I think you can open your eyes." And she did.

She gasped when she saw the guy she's recently been bumping into. All of the text messages weren't even that important anymore. "Dylan."

Now they were just two teenagers who were blushing and smiling at each other.

8:29 pm

selena: who kisses on their first date?

dylan: me! especially when it's with someone as beautiful as you.

selena: stop making me blush :*

dylan: can i see you tomorrow again and again and again?

selena: nooooo

selena: just kidding

selena: where are you gonna take me tomorrow?

dylan: let's go to bowling, movies aren't really my thing since I won't be able to talk to you

selena: why? what more do you want to learn about me?

dylan: anything... I like your voice :)

selena: really?

dylan: yes, what do you like about me?

selena: a lot... the way your hands move crazily, it's basically the way you text! I can imagine how your body language is when you text me now.

dylan: crazy for you?

selena: nope! this conversation is getting too cheesy for the both of us.

dylan: go do your homework :)

selena: you too! i'll see if I won't bump into you tomorrow.

dylan: do it so you'll fall even harder for me... i'll catch you when you fall.

selena: goodnight :)

January 27th
3:13 pm

Dylan grinned big enough for everyone to notice that he had somewhat of a girlfriend. He and Selena hadn't talked about a label, but it's working for both of them."You're quite clinging for someone on her second date."

"Well, I can't keep my hands to myself." Selena looked at Dylan pecking his lips. She finally got to kiss Dylan without sending kissing emojis and touch him psychically. After all the times they bumped into each other and sent late night texts, it was worth waiting for.

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