Let Me Help You... Please...

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| an: hola. Happy cinco de mayo! I am here again to give you the shortest chapter ever. I'm sorry, but I just finished my ap exam and literally died after. If you haven't noticed I changed my name since I wanted to expand my roots and write other stories. |


I was a dumb ass, I really was. I needed to be there when a close friend needed me and I didn't. I was too busy from all of the taping in Teen Wolf and interviews about the Maze Runner that I forgot I had a social life. It wasn't until all the radio and news talked about was Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez thinks Taylor Swift is boring and is tired of baking cookies!

Selena Gomez unfollowed everyone from instagram!

Selena Gomez sells home after Bieber hook-ups up with Kylie Jenner.

Selena Gomez this.

Selena Gomez that.

I never noticed how much she needed a friend right now. She must hate me, but I'll at least try. I had to... It was upsetting.

My mind was processing so much stuff while my hand was slowly coming into her door knob. In the miliseconds that my hand was away from the knob, I thought about the things that can happen once I touched it. She could either try to avoid it or let me help her. Instead of turning the knob, my finger landed on the doorbell which sent rings all over the house. It rang happily which was rather ironic in the situation.

I heard the locks click and once more the door was open upon me. Selena looked her usual self which was beautiful. She was always careful with her facial expressions when she was outside since she knew that the paparazzi's would make another story about it.

"Hey." I spoke first, but her eyes were just staring confused at me. She was probably surprised that I was in front of her door right now.

"Wow, Dylan O'Brien at my door... So lovely seeing you here." Selena replied in annoyance. She just left a few feet from the door to let me inside.

I gladly walked in and even though I haven't been here in weeks, it was still a familiar place.

"Water?" Selena asked from far away as I followed her into the kitchen.

I nodded in reply as I watched her take a bottle from the fridge and place one right in front of me. I drank a few sips as she just looked at me. "So, how are you?"

"I've been around, if that's what you want me to answer." Her face fell flat. "How about you Mr. Fashionisto?"

I chuckled since she was updated about my life from the magazine photoshoot. I gave her a smile. "Well, a lot of interviews." A few quiet moments and just staring at each other. I needed to ask her what was going on. "Selena, what's going on? Is everything fine?"

She brushed her hair back preparing an answer for me. "Nothing is wrong, everything is fine."

"No! No, it's not Selena. I know you. You don't exclude people in your life like that." I spatted out.

She closed her eyes for a long minute. "Dylan, this is the new me. You can't change me."

"Selena, you gotta understand that there are people who are trying to come back in your life trying to help you." I replied in a furious tone waving my hands at her.

"You don't understand, there is so much going on. I just want to be alone. I just want everyone to shut up about me once." Selena's face was getting red. I got up from my seat and stood in front of her, but she backed up. "No... You shouldn't even me here right now."

"Selena, you are my friend and I want to help you. Please let me help you... please." I begged her. I just wished right now she didn't become stubborn.

It took a few moments until she finally shut down. She covered her face with her hands and started to sob. I immediately wrapped my arms around her. I soothed out her hair while as she cried. I waited until she started to be alright. I wouldn't want to pressure her into telling me anything right now. She needed time alone which everyone needs.

"I love you." I whispered through her vanilla scented hair.

She nodded. I didn't needed to hear her say the three words. I just wanted her to be happy and okay.

I just wanted her to be fine.

| an: disclaimer for last minute... this is just the idea of why Selena might have been distant with people, we never know. I hope you enjoyed! |

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