Speak Now Tour

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{ First of all...

I haven't updated this fanfic in a while D: oh well, here is another chapter. It's kinda longer than the others. Just enjoy this lovely chapter. }

This is around November 2011 when Selena performed with Taylor Swift in MSG. :) 


I booked an early flight to New York, I was hoping no one would sit near me or anything, but suddenly a guy sat next to me.

"Hey Alex Russo!" The quite tall guy sat next to me whispered. 

"Are you serious?" I mumbled out loud. His familiar scent of axe made me smile a bit because some guys wore too much or too less, but he sprayed it on him perfectly. 

"This is going to be a fun plane ride ok?" Dylan reassured to me. I nodded while the pilot started to drive along the pathway and the stewardess made sure to inform us in case of any situations. 

"This is our first time on a plane, yay." He cheered on. 

I looked out and held my breath in when the plane started to go up. I looked at Dylan who covered his ears. I swallowed some air until the plane went in a steady kind of speed or shall I say, steady balance. I took out my laptop and put it in airplane mode. Dylan took it away from me and looked at the red icon on the bottom of my Mac. 

"Let's take photos together." He demanded while I just went along with his randomness. 

I squished his and he squished mine. We made ugly faces, but when I saw him looking at me... I looked at him back. His eyes were so familiar. 

I cleared my throat, "you're eyes are really beautiful." He commented while I smiled. Dylan slyly handed me back my laptop and I closed it. 

"Can I ask you a question?" I mentioned to him. 

Dylan readjusted his seat, "Sure." 

"In an interview, you mentioned that you're first kiss was when you were fourteen and I remembered you were texting me about how... It was at this carnival type." I stated and he nodded. 

"Yeah, what about it?" He questioned. 

I waited for moment, "Is it possible if it was me?" 

"That'd be a coincidence... How would you prove it?" He asked me. 

Should I tell him? Yes. 

"I was the girl, Lena." I mumbled and his face went blank. I just looked at his face. It was changing, but it was still cute. 

I WAITED AND WAITED UNTIL... he hugged me, "Oh my god, I've been waiting for this forever." 


"Yeah, duh." He made look dumb and I hit his arm. "Owwwww." 

"You deserve that, but... Hi! I should've known or searched you up or something to figure the truth." I explained to him while he just looked at me. 

"How'd you even figure out?" He asked suspiciously. 

"You told me... And I actually kind of hinted when you had that interview with seventeen magazine. They asked you about your first kiss, you said it was when you were fourteen and that's the age you told me when we kissed." 

He was really intrigued at how I figured out. 

"So how are you as Selena or Lena?" He sincerely asked. 

"I'm kind of great. I'm dating Biebs as you know." I reassured to Dylan. 

"Well of course. I'm doing as well as you; I'm dating a girl named Britt." He mumbled, but I heard it of course. He was dating someone? Oh man! I leaned on his shoulder. 

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