Boyfriend Tag & Late Night Convos (1)

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Just another day back home from interviews and promos. Can't seem to get away from any of it, but the funny thing was that I loved doing it.... What's funnier was that I'm bored out of all the things I've done today.

I couldn't really complain since lazy days were the best. I changed from my formal outfit to the usual jammies that no one can ever see me in unless it someone I know too well.

"What should I do...?" I asked myself out loud. I flopped on the couch and sighed. "Maybe I should eat something." I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Or nah."

I looked at my phone. No notification... the usual...

Just as I was about to walk around the house one more time to feel better for myself, my phone beeped. I immediately flopped in the couch once more and just swiped my hand over the screen to answer the call.

"Dylan speaking." I answered with a confident tone.

"Hey!" A familiar girl chirped from the end of the phone. "You sound swell."

I laughed. "No-- I actually sound really bored which in reality I am cause I have nothing to do."

She giggled at my attempt of humor, but it was just the regular voice I have. "You're Dylan O'Brien though, go swim or play baseball or something like that."

"I can't really do that when it's night time."

"Go for a night swim, those are the best!" She exclaimed before a chuckle escaped my lips. "Seriously, you should try it."

I knew this conversation was about to be really long so I skipped along the stairs and jumped on my bed. "Since when do you do night swims? No invites?"

There was a distant baby noise in the background which meant that her mom and baby sister was probably over. "Sorry, I had to give something to momma. Back to our topic, you never asked me to invite you so shots fired."

"Aha." I spoke out while I faced the ceiling and took a deep breath. "How was your day?"

She copied me and took a deep breath as well. "The usual of writing for new album, meetings and now hanging out with the fam. You?"

"The usual of interviews and promos for Teen Wolf including the Maze Runner."

She gasped making me worry for a moment. "I watched the trailer. Loving it! Can I just say... Stydia for life?"

"Finally. I hope they end up together!" I exclaimed when I really knew what was going to happen from the scenes that Jeff has given us.

"You're totally rude, you already know what's about to happen. Rude!" She whined while I just laughed at her. "Come on... You know you wanna tell me."

I laughed even more because she started to convince me with such an innocent voice.

"I have an idea, we should do a questionnaire that I've been wanting to do just for the heck of it." Her voice became distant for a second and a lot of clattering was going on in the background. "I'll ask you questions and we have to see if you do this correctly."

I hung up the call and decided to think of a brighter way to do this. I pressed the camera looking icon right next to the phone icon. The high toned ring which meant that someone was Facetiming rung while I waited for her to answer.

My eyes went cross eyed to make a fool out of myself while I looked at the screen of my phone to see her doing the same thing.

"O'Brien." She greeted while flashing her amazing smile.

"Gomez." I said before she placed her iPhone to a stand, probably against the screen of her laptop.

Selena moved herself in a comfortable position next to her Mom who was currently playing with Gracie. "Okay, Mr. O'Brien. Are you ready to suck at this questionnaire?"

I laughed and brushed my hair back. "I plan not to suck at this questionnaire."

She gave me a glance before reading off her laptop. "Question uno, where did we meet?"

"We go way back, but officially we finally met at the 2011 teen choice awards... May I say thank you for following me." I smiled before she gave me a cheeky smile.

"Correct! When was our first date, kiss and how was it?" Selena played with her eye brows which caused me to chuckle a little too loud.

"We didn't go on a date..." I started before she gave me a glare. "Oh... New York with Taylor and it was during your panic attack before you sung Who Says with Taylor."

I heard someone gasp, "When was this? How come I didn't know this?" Mandy asked quite shocked.

"I-- uhhh--" I started turning a blush of red while Selena just laughed at me.

"We should continue this tomorrow." Selena mentioned while I quickly nodded. "Goodnight, Dylan."

"Goodnight Selena."

We smiled for a few more moments at each other before finally waving off.

{an: yas. I finally updated. wtf this sucks pero second part might be uploaded soon enough. AND OMG I'M OFFICIALLY ABOUT TO BE A SENIOR!!!}

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