We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie & Selena

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[an: i live for this song. i lav it. i rushed this cause i lav this song. hahah.]

: dylena based off of We Don't Talk Anymore, both are famous. Selena might be dating Sam and Dylan is confused. hahaha. 

Selena Gomez dating a new beau, Samuel Krost, after her breakup with ex-beau Dylan O'Brien?

Tabloids after tabloids mixed with a rumor as the cherry on top.

Dylan felt his jaw clench for a moment when he passed the magazine stand at the supermarket. He couldn't help but grab the magazine to search if this was actually true. His fingers rapidly turned to the page where he saw Selena sitting on her rumored beau's lap. Oh God, it must be true. Dylan closed the magazine immediately not wanting to cause anymore pain from all the photographs.

He went outside to face the crowd of paparazzi already growing. "Dylan! Are you bitter about Selena? Have you talked to Selena?" It was endless questions from the recent news with Selena, but he held a small fake smile. He finally got in his car to drive away from the crowd that wanted his opinion about his ex.

How could she do this to me? She could have told me that I wasn't the one she wanted to be with. Dylan had so much things running around his mind.

It happened almost a year ago when management wanted the most in demand celebrities to date for a PR stunt. Management decided to put two and two together to get Dylan O'Brien and Selena Gomez to get a couple of attention for their individual projects. It worked for Dylan's projects and Selena's new album.

Unfortunately, PR stunts usually last for a few months, but no one knew that a PR stunt could lead to both celebrities exchanging the three words that weren't on the contract; "I love you." Management demanded that Dylan and Selena would separate at a certain date, but it didn't stop their secret relationship.

He arrived on the Teen Wolf set with a sour wolf face. He still couldn't get over what he saw in the supermarket, he wished that he never decided to stop for a few seconds to fetch a few items before taping. Dylan's evening was going slow as possible.

"Cut! Everyone's tired today. I call it quits. See you tomorrow." Jeff Davis informed everyone and some were started to pack up anyway.

Posey tapped Dylan's shoulders. "Bro, what's wrong? You missed so much lines today. Are you okay?"

Dylan shoved his hands in his face. "It's Selena--"

"What!? You're not over her yet?"

"I don't know... She moved on so quick." He sighed finally looking at his best friend.

"Look, let's go home and call this a day buddy. You look like you're in deep shit." Posey laughed at himself from how he described how Dylan looked like right now.

Dylan went home immediately feeling ill with a headache. Probably from all of the thoughts he had about the one person who he trusted. He crawled under his blankets, but he regretted it right away from the faint smell of Selena's shampoo off of his pillows. The smell was quite therapeutic which left Dylan falling in a slumber sleep.

He felt fingers poking at his ribs. "Dylan... Wake up." He opened his eyes from the familiar voice that whispered in his ears.

"Selena? What are you doing here?" Dylan gasped finally confirming who was in his bed. He sat up before Selena straddled close to his hips.

She pressed her finger at his lips to shut him up. "Didn't you say you love me? Come on! Let's have some fun!" Her fingers caught at the edge of his shirt and lifted it off of him.

Dylan was confused. Though they've been in this situation before, he was surprised Selena was here when she was supposed to be with someone else. Selena got Dylan's hands and placed it at the back of her dress. He didn't know what to do, but to hell with it. He attached his lips onto hers. He moaned at the taste of her lips, it was still as how luscious and soft as it was when he kissed her for the first time.

He held onto her tight feeling the curves that the dress hugged on Selena. She stopped when the doorbell rang. Dylan wasn't expecting anyone at this time of night. Selena fixed her dress and combed her hair straight. He followed her at the door while she placed her high heels on tight. Selena opened it to reveal Dylan's nightmare, it was the guy from all the photographs that's been on tabloids and magazines.

"What?" He questioned confusingly.

"Bye Dylan."

Dylan's eyes opened wide and breathed heavily. Whoa. He combed his hair back and wiped the sweat that formed at his forehead. This was the first time he had a nightmare or something worse. He needed to get over Selena quick. But how? It seemed like he was just a joke to Selena, what was he even there for? Just publicity?

Hundred miles away there stood Selena outside of her balcony from her friendly date with Sam. She found him perfect for her, but it wasn't the same as how she had those breathless nights with Dylan. She wanted more moments from him, but she couldn't. It would look bad if she was already seen having dinner with Sam and all off a sudden she was seen with Dylan again.

There were several of news she's heard of where Dylan was seen kissing someone. Selena didn't know if it was true, but it broke her heart. It was just a PR stunt, the 'I love you' was just a joke. Nothing last forever when it was in the rules of Hollywood. She hoped that Dylan met the right someone. He's probably holding her tight, like how he used to hold me.

Selena took out her iPhone and tapped on iMessage ready to send a text to Dylan.

To: Dylan - Can we talk?

Her finger was hovered above the button, but she just pressed on the menu button. Selena threw it at her bed, she didn't want to interrupt anything that Dylan and 'the girl' were doing.

Was he thinking about me? She bit her lip trying to distract herself from the thoughts that were running through her mind. Selena, get over him.

When a week passed, there was a chance that Dylan and Selena could encounter each other. MTV awards night gave the chance to actually give an excuse why the both of them would bump into each other. They didn't see each other during the show, but the after party was the only way.

"Dude, Selena." Posey pointed at Selena with a few girls surrounding her. "Are you going to talk to her?"

Dylan shook his head. "We don't talk anymore."

"But how are you going to get closure?" His best friend asked. He was honestly just concerned for Dylan and how he was holding a lot of problems instead of facing it.

Dylan gulped the remaining sips of his cup and finally turned to where Selena had been standing.

On the other side of the room, Selena felt a strange feeling. She felt watched even though a few people were already looking her way. This feeling felt different. "Hey, I'm gonna get a drink."

She didn't want to go to the bar where Dylan stood. Selena went to a silent corner by herself. How could I face Dylan like this? Selena was holding onto her breath before she turned back to the bar to see if he was there.

Her heart stopped when she found Dylan standing right in front of her.



[an: sorrrrrrry for this bad one shot. i hate writing in third pov so much, but I had to make it work! thank you!]

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