Christmas Series: Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande

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[an: shoutout to Tori @whatswithvi bc she was Taylor's cousin.]


: dylena based off of Santa Tell Me [christmas series]

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"Why?" I simply asked Taylor who pinned a bright green with a dash of red on the plant on the open hallway.

She shrugged and walked down the ladder. "It's the Christmas season... Everyone should expect a mistletoe in my house. I'm love all around."

I laughed. "I should have heard that coming."

"With the lack of wanting to put some Christmas decorations." Taylor waved her hand towards to Tori.

Tori practically ripped her left earphone from her ear and looked straight at Taylor. "Hey! I was in the middle of getting updated with Wattpad."

"I'm kind of hungry, would you mind going with Selena to get me some food?" Taylor asked in the most sincerest way ever, but she sounded a tad annoyed. Probably the frustration of getting angry and having to decorate the whole house.

I stood up in the doorway waiting for Tori to accept Taylor's request. I knew I had to be ready before Taylor blew up.

"Yeah, I'll come with. Selena's cooler than you."

"What did you say?" Taylor came inches closer to Tori ready for a so-called tickle fight, but Tori ran away quickly to step inside her Uggs.

I waved goodbye to Taylor. "Bye." Right before I closed the door, Adam, Taylor's loverboy, entered with a box of chocolates and a box of pizza.

"Aw, there he is!" Taylor exclaimed while Tori and I were watched at the sight of them.

"Oh gosh, I just lost my appetite for pizza. I need some chicken wings." Tori giggled and pulled me outside.

We walked towards the car feeling the bit of snow that poured down. I started the car and sat back all buckled when Tori decided to question me. "So, have you found your 'Adam' yet?"

Though Tori has a love-hate relationship with Taylor, I've met her recently when she was over at Taylor's special events. I shook my head without hesitation, "No, I'm not quite ready for another heartbreak this year."

"Ah... That's why you and Taylor are best friends, you guys get a lot of heartbreaks, no offense."

"None taken," I smiled. "How about you?"

She waited to answer my question when I drove out of the driveway and reached the intersection towards the city. "Well, if only Santa wrapped up my celebrity crushes and put them under the Christmas tree then I'd be the luckiest fangirl ever, but that won't happen. Enough about me, let's talk about you."

"Who crushed my best friends' heart?" She leaned on the armrest and looked at me while I drove.

I casually glanced at her. "No one."

"Oh please."

"Okay fine, there was one from my middle school---"

She cut me off. "Puppy love, next?"

"Sophomore year of high school through sophomore year of college. And worse, it was on-and-off." I admitted as I cringed. I didn't want to think about my past, but I had to for whatever kept Tori entertained.

Tori tapped her fingers to her chin. "I hate when it's on-and-off. It's like playing with each other's feelings. Next?"

"I don't remember the others, but what really put me off were the guys who stood me up while I waited in the restaurant alone."

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