December Blues & Christmas Dinners.

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{OMG! It took me forever to update this because school has started. I am back to reality! I hope you enjoy this!}

| Dylannnn O'Brieeeeeen POV |

I was around the set and I finished a scene that took me hours to finish.

"Good job O'Brien, we actually did a two minute scene in like three hours tops." Hoechlin mentioned while passing me by.

"Why are you still in your Derek mood?" I watched him stop for a sec and turn around to me.

"What's wrong O'Brien? I was joking with you." Hoechlin sat down next to me in my assigned type of chair. "Britt problems?"

"I don't know, no. I have a friend and recently she's been down cause her boyfriend has been an ass to her." I rubbed my eyes for a second, "what is irritating my eyes?"

Hoechlin patted my shoulder, "Look... I've seen you down a lot. We should have a code or some type about this soul mate of yours. I know you're with Britt, but this girl you seem to care about a lot seems really special."

"But, what am I supposed to tell her? Oh here I am ready to win your heart, but hold up for a second because I have a girlfriend as well." I cried out.

He chuckled, "If that's what it takes..."

"Hoechlin and O'Brien... Another sterek scene please. Come on guys!" Jeff called us out while Posey came out of his trailer in his werewolf mode.

"Whoa, you guys look tense." Posey said with a low voice.

I was about to say something until Hoechlin hit me, "We were talking about how much he loves Selena Gomez."

"Still bro?" He looked at me with a smile.

"Just nod along." Hoechlin whispered in my ear. I looked at the concerned face that Posey had on him and to fix that... I just nodded along. All three of us headed near Jeff and went ahead to where we would be standing as the scene taped.

"Are you ok, Dylan?" Jeff asked me when I walked passed him. I nodded.

He looked at me worried, "Guys! Let's wrap this up! You guys look very tired... I know this is a late delay, but yeah! Just see you guys tomorrow!"Everyone started to sigh and yawn when we all started packing up. Hoechlin and I walked to our cars that were parked next to each other. He wished me good luck when I went inside to start the engine.

Why am I so affected by this?

I drove inside the driveway and stopped the engine. i went out of the car and closed the door. I calmly walked to my front door and swiftly unlocked the door. I knew Selena was kinda busy recently so I didn't want to bother her.

I started my morning out slow when Hoechlin told me that Jeff wanted to tape at night.

I got startled when my phone started to just get a bunch of text messages. I browsed through iMessage to see 10 from Hoechlin, 1 from jeff, 2 from britt and 5 from selena.

From: selgo

- Dylannnnnnnnnn!

- wakeeeeeee up!

- fineeeee, I know you hate me. :(

- O'Brien!

- wake up :((((((((

WHAT? I feel bad for not waking up early now. This must be urgent cause selena doesn't usually spam me unless it's urgent. What should i do? Man... Crap I feel bad!

To: selgo

- I'm completely sorry, I was at taping at a late time and I was really drained. :( What was it that you needed?

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