The Terrible Trio

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{an: based off of Selena's instagram post with her and Taylor}

| Selena |

I rubbed my eyes quickly before squinting at the opened curtain in front of me. "I always forget to close it, each night!" I chucked the blankets off my body and stood up with my two feet. I walked like a zombie towards the window and closed the silky smooth curtains. "And it's finally night time again, time to sleep." I went back to my cacoon of blankets and searched for my phone. "Aha, new messages."

From: Taylor - In LA for a few days, are you free? :)

A smile formed on my lips.

For the past few days, I've grown close to my family and friends because of all the problems that have been growing on me. I've finally realize that I didn't want anyone bringing me down all the time. I was happy when Taylor never gave up on me, I was a whole annoyance to her... But she stood up for me even through the times I didn't talk to her.

To: Taylor - YES! Come by the house today, I would love a good company. :)

Before I even closed my screen, Taylor already replied.

From: Taylor - Be there by 6, gotta do things for the TCA's!

I looked at the time and realized that it was already 2. Oh my god! I shouldn't have stayed up too late last night, but I did cook some good food.

I searched up momma's name in my contacts and clicked in the call button. Ringgggg. Ringggg.

"Hey momma, do you want to come over for some girl time?" I asked not making sense of what I was trying to get to.

I heard her laugh from the other line. "Sure of course, who's coming over today?"

"Taylor!" I exclaimed with a cheery tone.

"I'll get some chinese food on the way, should I bring Gracie?" Momma asked.

I nodded clearly not her seeing it, "Yes please!"

"Okay." She laughed at me. "I'll see you around 5 or so." Then she hung up the phone.

I placed my phone in the night table before I looked at the mirror to see myself in a mess. "And I should totally take a shower." I said to myself before heading to the bathroom and getting my afternoon ready.

{an: blooop blooop hi}

Once I got out of the shower, I walked inside my closet and headed to chill clothes. I looked at my options, shirt or long sleeves... Hmmm... I quickly picked my navy blue skinny jeans with a normal v-neck. I looked back at the mirror. "Wow, first time that I've been normal looking." I gave a short laugh.

I heard my phone ring and immediately skipped my way to the night stand. My eyes popped out when I saw the name that appeared in the front of my screen.

What did Dylan want?

I called him back. "Hello, Dylan?"

"Hey there." He spoke out in a hushed tone. "How are you?"

He's acting weird. "Um, I'm fine... Is there something wrong?"

I heard him clear his throat. "Can I hang out with you today?"

"Sure, may I ask why?" I suspiciously asked him.

"I'll tell you when I come over. I'll be there by 5 or something." He rushed before hanging up on me.

Whoa. I have a ton of guest today and one is a boy. I intended this day to be just well-- a girls day, but having Dylan wouldn't hurt!

I went straight downstairs after the whole weird conversation with Dylan. I looked around to see how messy my house might have been looking like. I looked in the living room and throughout the whole place. "No mess! Momma is gonna be proud of me." I confidently told myself before going to the living room for some FRIENDS reruns.

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