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[an: HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAI EVERYONE. idk why I wanted to write this, but since Selena cancelled her M&G in her last concert (I think) lol. btw, this is similar to Revival Tour, except they're in a different situation now.]

: where Selena gets sick out of the blue and Dylan (her bffl) gets worried

+ d y l a n

I watched Selena from backstage through rehearsals with a lack of energy. She particularly didn't jump or stand around as much as she did in the few concerts before this. Selena sat still in one spot for at least the final act on the set list.

Just as the band and her called it a day, she stood up slowly and walked towards the spot where I stood. "Hey, you okay?"

She nodded and held onto my waist when I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Just feeling tired." I placed my hand on her forehead just in case she caught a cold, but she felt normal. I lead both of us to the catering, but Selena refused immediately. "I actually feel like throwing up right now."

"How about I'll take you back to the bus to sleep for a few hours before I wake you up for the fans?" I asked her.

She replied a yes while we both walked to the parking lot of the tour bus and right away she fell flat on the couch snuggling up on the brown blanket. I came in close and tucked her in. "Hey, I'll come back in a moment, I'll inform them where you are."

I walked out of the tour bus and headed right back inside the stadium towards Selena's dressing room. I found her tour manager and make-up crew with their phones out which meant that they wondered where exactly Selena was right now. "Just the person we were looking for--"

"Selena's back in the tour bus." I stated knowing what they were going to ask me about.

Jill, the tour manager, gasped. "What? How come?"

"It's actually weird, she didn't want to eat and she felt tired."

"She hasn't been sleeping either from the different time zones we have to get used to." Jill frowned knowing that Selena was tired, but she still loved what she did since she adored her fans. "We'll let her sleep in just a few hours and you'll have to keep me updated on her condition."

I gave Jill a nod before I went back to keep an eye on Selena. I sat where her head was and lifted it a little so she could use my leg as a pillow. I combed her hair and took my millionth time watching her beautiful face. Her breathing started to come back to normal than how she it looked like when she was just sitting on stage.

I couldn't help, but push back the bangs from covering her eyes. I did try to make her second think about getting bangs since it blocked her face most of the time, but no one could stop her from wanting what she wanted to do. Which is another thing I like about her, she doesn't care, she only cared about herself.

"Why are you looking at me?" Selena murmured sleepily.

I flinched for a second and watched her keep her eyes closed. "Because I still disagree with your hair, but it doesn't make you less beautiful."

"Thank you."

I ruffled her hair. "You're welcome."

"Leave me alone." She frowned. "I'm sick." I just kept quiet and let her rest.

     When it was almost meet and greet, Selena was fast asleep in my lap while I watched the tour manager and some of her glam team come into the tour bus. The three of them were at awe at the sight of us and I held my hands up in attempt to play that I was innocent.

"She's sick." I cleared up for them before Jill nodded.

"I think we might have to cancel her meet and greet today, what do you think she has?"

I shrugged and waited for the three of them to know.

We all sucked our breath when we saw Selena move for a moment and weirdly hug my leg. "I think she's love sick."

"No, she's not." I glared at them.

"You gotta admit it, Dylan. It is." No it's not.

[an: thanks for reading this on Independence Day... hahahah you're cool and ily.]

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