Studio Vibes (2014)

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| Dylan |

I had a lot of free time on my hands which meant that I had a lot of time to just spend it with Selena since she didn't have as much plans as she had from a long time ago. Speaking of hanging out with Selena, I quickly went and knocked on the same door that I've been visiting for the past few days. Selena was in shock since the police finally arrested the man who was trying to creep out on her. That was probably why I came to her house today.

"Hey." Selena immediately clinged onto me.

I kissed her forehead and squeezed my arms around her to make sure she knows that she's safe. She'll always be safe when she's around me. "Hey..." I decided to let go of one arm from her to securely see if her door was actually locked.

She had a worried look on her face causing me to have a mirrored look on my face. It hurt to just see her like this.

"Hey, do you wanna go somewhere?" Selena asked me.

I nodded. "Where to?"

"The studio!" Selena exclaimed before putting on her blazer and started to head out the door.

I followed her as she locked the doors and skipped along besides my car. I chuckled to the sight of her just hopping along to the car. She was just so random sometimes and I loved it. Britt is always random and weird, but Selena is so different that she makes me feel like a better person in a way. I opened the car and we both sat carefully to our seats. The clicking sounds of the belt gave me permission that I could already start the car and head to the destination where we needed to go.

Selena turned on the radio to hear my favorite song by Miley which is We Can't Stop.

"Oh shit! Turn up Selena!" I yelled turning the volume knob to the right for a louder sound.

Selena just laughed at me. "You're so ugly!"

"Andddd we can't stoppppp. And we won't stoppppp!" I sang horribly while Selena just kept on laughing at me. "Come on! Sing with me! You've never sung with me!" She just shook her head.

"This our party we can do what we want. This our party we can say what we wantttt." Both of us sang which made me chuckle all of a sudden since it was the first time Selena and I sung together.

I frowned when the song was over. "Ugh, I was so turnt up."

"Stahpppp! Stop it! Stop saying that." Selena begged at me in a funny way.

Ryan: That was We Can't Stop from Miley Cyrus. Now is a next song by the one and only Selena Gomez.

"Ohhhhh major turn up!" I yelled making Selena hide her blushing face. I was totally embarassing her a lot.

"I just wanna feel your body next to mine all night long baby slow down the song. When it's coming closer to the end hit rewind, all night long baby slow down the songggggggg!" I sang once again really loud watching Selena just stop herself from laughing.

Selena took out her phone while she started to record her and I while I sang loudly in front of her. I just played along cause I'm just cool like that.

"I just wanna feel your body next to mineee. All night long. Baby slow down the song." Selena and I both started to sing which got me really excited and happy since we sung together again.

When the commercials of the radio started play right after the song, Selena just stared at me. I kept my eyes on the road but as we stopped from the traffic of LA I kept my eyes glued to her.

"You're the best." Selena commented as she grabbed my hand quickly and interwined our fingers together. I kissed her fingers just waiting for the light to turn green.

The minutes passed until we headed to the small studio that Selena always went to. She always talked about how every time she had to vent her feelings, she would always come here. Selena and I headed outside of the car into a small type of office or building. It wasn't as big as the studio for big people who wanted people to know that they were recording a song. Apparently Selena did not want anyone to know that she was venting so... 

There was millions of doors that I had to open which was really confusing and irritating, but I laughed each time when Selena almost hit her face since her eyes were focused on her phone. The annoying part was that every time she almost got hit, she would end up blaming me. We finally entered Selena's secret hiding place or known as her paradise. 

"Welcome to the magical and beautiful room." Selena opened her arms to show around the room. It was rather dark inside, probably to create an environment when she was thinking of sad songs. She headed to the corner of the room to turn on the switch that lit up the whole room. 

"It looks beautiful." I complimented at examining around the room. 

Selena showed me how the technical things are made. She played a song from her album which was only vocals and I turned up the auto tune button which started to make Selena's voice similar to T-Pain's voice. 

"You never told me you could sing." Selena said out of the blue. 

I wonder where she heard that or even knew about that. "How'd you know about it?" 

She scoffed, "Um... Alex and Sierra uploaded a photo of you with them. I was thinking how I never knew that you could sing. Maybe we should make a single one day." 

I chuckled to what she was saying, "Are you serious?" 

"I mean... I'm open to anything, but with this whole vibe of resting and learning things by myself will have to get pass, but I would love to hear you sing one day." Selena pleaded making me think if she was being sarcastic or real. 

I sat back in the chair when I saw Selena fiddling with something. It was already a lit up cigarette. She sneaked a puff until I realized what she was doing. 

"Selena Marie Gomez! What the hell is this?" I asked angrily. She wasn't supposed to be doing this. When Tyler mentioned about her being outside and buying cigarettes one time, I thought it was for her friends or something, but her? I snatched it away from her and squished the bottom part of the little yellow ashtray she had. 

"What the hell was that for?" Selena asked looking at me like I was crazy. 

I looked at her the same way, "Are you fucking kidding me? That's bad for your body! Don't do that. You're better than that Selena."She just started to look down, but I made her look into my eyes. "I know it's been a rough start of the year for you, but you gotta become better than this. You already went to rehab and it should've helped." 

"It did, but there's just too much pressure in our type of society. I just want to exclude out of everything." Selena started to have tears pouring out of her eyes. 

I wiped it away, "You need to get your shit together." I joked at least making her giggle. "But yeah you need to get things straight and I promise that I will always be here. You have to promise me that you won't do anything that harms your body." 

"It'll be hard." Selenna stated. 

"Hard or not, I just want you to be so healthy Selena. I don't ever want to see you sick." I took a deep breath. 

She sighed, "I promise." 

I kissed her forehead since I wasn't really into kissing people who just smoked. She went to the bathroom and promised to get cleaned up. 

When she came back out, she started to take photos of herself and us. She was probably posting something on instagram. 

"You deleted your instagram?" Selena asked me. 

I nodded, "Ehhh... Let's not talk about that. It was getting a bit obvious that I was liking too much of your photos." 

She laughed, "I can't help but be so beautiful." 

"You are beautiful." I mentioned before giving her kiss in her cheek. 

She finally posted a photo with a caption of theraphy which she explained how I was helping her made her feel like she was getting better each time. 

I hope nothing bad happens to her.

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