Teen Wolf Set Visit

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{This might be short, I'm sorry... And shout out to lionette44, check out their Dylena fanfic as well called I Remember You}

| Selena Gomez POV |

It was the middle of September. I had a free day so that meant that I could go and just settle down at the house for the night. I glanced at my phone and saw the caller id that I always loved to see, "Dylan." I touched the green icon at the bottom of my screen.

Dylan: Hey...

Sel: Hello there...

Dylan: So... I kinda miss you.

Sel: I miss you too.

Dylan: That's good to hear, how's being on set?

Sel: Pretty busy, but I love it. How about you and the Internship?

Dylan: It's awesome. We're almost done with it though, three more days. I'm pretty homesick.

Sel: Aren't you in Cali too though?

Dylan: I mean, Selena homesick.

I started to laugh when he mentioned he was, "Selena homesick." After our first vacation together when we went to the Taylor Swift concert... I couldn't help, but have a little bit of feelings for him.

Sel: I mean we could always see each other next time.

Dylan: What if I say I was in front of your house?

Sel: That's crazy... You're like in the other side of the state. It's really impossible.

Dylan: Nothing's impossible... Look outside.

I slowly got out of my bed and went to the window that faced the main entrance. I squinted my eyes to focus on someone with red roses in their hand and in the other he held his phone to his ear.

"Surprise!" Dylan yelled out loud. I smiled and hung up my phone to go running downstairs. I opened the door to him all smiley faced and my eyes got teary eyed. I ran to him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"It's so good to hug you again." I murmured against his chest that I was still enveloped in.

He chuckled, "It sure is."

We walked hand in hand inside my house which was kind of new to him since I bought my house in last month. When we both got in, I noticed that Baylor was running around the house... Probably looking for food!

"Hey it's Baylor." Dylan smiled while he let go off my hand to pet Baylor. Baylor was used to Dylan more than Justin.

Dylan playfully handed me the dozens of red roses that he bought me. I just smiled and proceeded to go to my bathroom to fill the white glossy vase with water. I carefully cut a few inches so it would at least fit in the vase that I had picked. When I was too focused on fixing the roses that I almost jumped when Dylan pulled me in a side hug.

"That scared me! My god!" I squeaked.

"I'm sorry babe-- I mean barbie." Dylan covered up what he said while he scratched the back of his head.

I laughed, "Did you just call me babe?"

"No-- noooooo-- not at all." Dylan stuttered.

I just took his skinny pale arm and went towards the kitchen.

"Let's cook something together." I suggested and placed some ingredients at the countertop. He nodded and started to place out the dough so we could roll it out. I started to roll it out with a roller and he decided to stand behind me to place his hands above mine. We started to roll it out together and I started to giggle cause I always saw this scenes only in movies.

When we were done rolling it out, we added the good and yummy ingredients that would complete the whole pizza. We placed it in the oven for about forty five minutes at most. I was getting bored so I decided to bring my mac in the dining table and look through some photos. I browsed though and saw photos of Dylan and I when we were on the plane together. I looked at Dylan who was cleaning some of the things up and I noticed that he got a little built rather than him not being as skinny.

"Dylan! Let's take photos." I politely insisted while he turned around and gave me a smirk.

He came towards me to sit next to me. I pressed the mouse pad to press the capture icon. We posed a bunch of times until it already passed so much minutes. We both laughed through the ugly photos we took together. Since there had been a few minutes left for the pizza to be cooked, I decided to play with Baylor. Dylan was playing with my phone when I noticed he was taking photos go himself.

"Baylor! You are getting mighty big!" I mentioned while Baylor climbed up on me. Dylan snapped a photo.

After a few moments, we took the delicious smelling pizza out of the oven. I grabbed up some plates and sodas to place it on the dark brown table. Dylan placed the pizza on the table and we both started to munch on our slices. When we finished eating, I went online and decided to post the photo that Dylan took a photo of me with Baylor.

@SelenaGomez: Baylor is getting so big. :)

'Hey, you wanna make a video?" I asked him while he nodded. I went back to my photo booth and started to make the video. I let the video play on while he was just dancing behind me. I was laughing the whole time. Dylan decided to sleepover since he was pretty tired to drive back near his set. He kissed me goodnight on my forehead which I thought was sweet,

{December 4, 2012}

Dylan called me over at his Teen Wolf set which luckily was also set to tape in Encino where I was going to have lunch with Sam. I dressed in brownish plaid with black leggings and boots,

After that night when Dylan slept over my house, we both established that we had mutual feelings for each other. We could date other people, but we had a special part in our hearts which was only meant for us... It seemed wrong to say it to others, but it was really something special that Dylan and I agreed to keep it a secret. Only between him and I.

I noticed Dylan's car so I decided to park next to it. I waited for awhile until I saw him outside walking towards my car. I turned off the engine and got greeted by his warm hug. He was wearing a navy blue shirt which complimented his skin color and just regular pants. We walked towards the few trailers that were placed together.

We walked around for bit and he showed me around so I could get the glimpse; It was a normal set in usual cases. We were stopped by a familiar ginger head that looked pretty, it was Holland Roden.

"Dylan, I never knew we could have visitors over." Holland said slyly.

"Holland meet my friend Lena." Dylan introduced us both. I smiled at her.

"You look quite familiar." Holland puckered her lips more.

"I've been around." I mentioned before Dylan pulled my arm so we could proceed to his trailer.

We got stopped by someone giving out cookies. Dylan received a cookie with his face on it, "Dylan take a photo with it!" I suggested while he was already posing.

"I'm ready." Dylan said while I snapped a photo of him. After, he sent it to Jeff Davis who would send it to the website.

I spent mostly the free time Dylan had with him and when it was over I went outside to get frightened by Tyler Posey who was already in his werewolf mode. It was different in person and on tv. I was really interested in how that happened because it took hours when they dressed me up as a werewolf on WOWP.

"Bro meet Lena." Dylan introduced me again while Tyler smiled and apologized for his face. Dylan dropped me off at my car stood in front of me.

He puckered his lips as if he wanted a kiss. To heck with it, I placed my lips on his while he wrapped his arms around my waist. We both pulled away when Jeff was already calling Dylan's name.

"Call me!" I exclaimed while he stole one more kiss.

That would answer what I wanted to be answered.

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