Teen Choice Awards (2011)

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[AN: Nothing to sayyyyyyyyy, just try to enjoy it. :) ]

(Teen choice awards)

At the teen choice awards, I always expect the usual where everyone just gets awards.. But today it changed. Today was the day I met my soul mate, Selena.

It was already a sunny two pm afternoon and I forgot Posey wasn't picking me up today. I got dressed up to a black shirt and wore something brown, so it wouldn't look like I tried to not wear anything fancy. I included my black pants with black regular shoes. I didn't want to look all glamorous or really lazy, but my outfit was just me.

I walked out to the smell of palm trees and the sun. It was the right temperature to go outside. I went inside and stuck the key to the ignition. I drove to the main highway and tried to not get into so much traffic.

My cell phone rang into Posey's ringtone, "Dylaaaaan! Pick up! Pick up!" I swiped the answer key.

Dylan: Hey bro!

Posey: You could've picked it up faster.

Dylan: Dude! I'm not the one who wanted to go alone ok?

Posey: I'm sorry; I didn't want to exactly drive all the way to your house then to the awards. Gas costs a lot now days. Ohhhhh, and you need to actually pick up Tyler.

Dylan: Are you serious? He's gonna brag on about how he would just go and surf on a surfboard that we would get tonight.

Posey: You know you love it!

Dylan: Man! I gotta go! I just reached his house.

I reached to the curb and fully stopped. I took my phone and looked for Hoechlin in my contacts. I called him about a dozen times before I turned to my left to find Hoechlin just looking at me.

"Oh my god!" I yelled and beeped the horn. I rolled down my window to find him already hysterically laughing.

"You're face!" Hoechlin laughed.

I scoffed, "Just get in the car ok?"

He went in the front seat and started fumbling with my phone. "Look at that, you have Selena as your background?" Hoechlin sounded annoyed.

"Of course, I hope I see her today!" I cheered while starting the car.

"She will be there, but with that Bieber kid." Hoechlin opened my phone and looked through it. I drove out of his driveway and headed to the Hollywood Freeway. "It's some traffic here today."

He started to take photos of himself which seemed really weird to me. "Come on Dylan, just take photos with me." Hoechlin commanded making me jump. I was showing off my derp faces and Hoechlin was too.

"I am so going to use the surf boards if we ever win." He excitedly said. I nodded along with what he talked about using the surfboards with. I laughed at how he was very amused with how he wanted surfboards so badly.

We reached the Universal Studio Hollywood and I was amazed since it was our very first time.

"Go to valet!" Hoechlin started yelling because he was too excited.

I went to valet; we got out of the car to be greeted by yelling fans and flashing lights from the reporters. We started walking to pose some photos for the magazines.

"Dylan!" Holland yelled for me to hear her. I looked around to see the light brown haired close to gingered hair girl waving her hand at me. I paced along the red carpet, but suddenly I saw Selena Gomez.

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