Where's Selena Gomez? (2014 Chapter)

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Dylan POV

I was woken up by a slight tap on my shoulder. It was a faint tap. Was it even a person? I quickly ripped away the covers from my face to find Julia. What is she doing here?

"Good morning brother." Julia spoke out in a silent voice.

"Hey, wait-- what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Mom told me to check up on you! She told me that you had some problems going on and I'm the only one who can know about this." She explained to me. Mom was really looking out for us, everyday! "Oh and not to forget, but your friend is here too."

I wondered who it was. I rubbed my eyes to clear up the vision in front of me. My room was as clean as possible; probably because of Julia just coming in and cleaning. I started to plant my feet to the ground and walk slowly downstairs to the tv blasting. I saw a body built man just sitting calmly in my couch.

"Hoechlin?" I wiggled my brows because I couldn't imagine this right now.

He gave me that Hoechlin smile of his, "O'Brien!"

"What are you doing here?"

"First of all, your sister let me in," Tyler started to say while Julia gave him a high five, "And we haven't seen you ever since Christmas. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah... I just-- I've been tired." I said walking my way into the kitchen. The house was a lot warmer than it was from last night.

"Are you sure, Dylan? We've noticed that you've been tired ever since the start of this January... We're supposed to be happy, it's the winter season of Teen Wolf." Hoechlin tried to get what's wrong with me outta my system.

"I don't even know man. I've been out of it lately."

"I've noticed in your interviews these past few days." Hoechlin explained crossing his arms in front of me. "Is this because of the whole Jelena thing?"

I looked up to see his face of sympathy and sadness. Did he read my mind or something?

"It's not supposed to bother me or anything, but it's just sad ya know? I have a girlfriend and she has Justin. What am I supposed to do? Just sit there and go, 'Oh Selena is just my celebrity crush and I've moved on?'" The words were just coming out my mouth in this terrible tone. I didn't like saying that I've moved on, it's such a bad phrase to say to anyone.

"It's life, Dylan. It's hard. It's also the business which means that it might not be real or it might. I know I'm not used to being in love with someone else, but you know when love is real Dylan. I've seen you simply smile at your text messages when Selena just sends you a simple hello. It hurts; I know that Dylan, but you have to be a man because she needs company right now. Not from Justin, not from guys who hurt her feelings, but a man who she cares for too." Hoechlin started to raise his voice on me for the first time ever.

To stay real, the words that he said really blew me away. I didn't know he was deep like that and actually cared for what I did or was doing.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked him to reassure what I needed to do.

"You need to go to her. I know I'm not one to show my care for anyone, but I know that when a friend is in need, I'll always help them." Hoechlin was the man.

"Thanks..." I said slowly because I was really speechless from what he just told me.

"But for now, Julia and I will cook you some Hoechlin breakfast!" He cheered to himself going through my kitchen and fridge. Julia started to help as well. "Go text her, bro!"

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