Best Friends & Rumors.

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Selena Gomez had the career of her life when she starred in Wizards of Waverly Place. She felt blessed to be in the Disney family. 2008 was somewhat of a big year for Selena since she had a movie coming up and even another season of her series.

Selena had been in an on again and off again "relationship" with a certain boy named, Nick Jonas. She kind of hated feeling a bit sad because he's giving her so much mixed signals. One day Nick would always call her and then the next was just nothing. She couldn't complain since she her own best friend, Demi, was with them on tour. In a Jonas Brothers concert though, Selena had stumbled upon another girl who was dating a Jonas brother, Taylor Swift. On that night, Nick and Joe decided to take them to a double date. Selena and Taylor clicked immediately until Joe Jonas made a huge mistake of breaking up with Taylor.

▲▲▲ D Y L E N A ▲▲▲

"So are you telling me you and Nick never actually dated?" Demi asked over the phone. Demi was in New York to promote her first debut album.

"No, we just hung out. We did kiss that one time in the beach where he took me, but that was just cause I was in the moment." Selena reassured while she was about to go to the hotel where Demi had stayed. Selena slightly knocked on the hotel door sending Demi flying across the whole room just to open the door.

"SELENA!!" Demi shouted making Selena's ears hurt a second. Selena hugged her childhood best friend. Selena tossed her suitcase next to the bed and took off her black converse.

"Good to finally get those off." Selena sighed making Demi giggle. Selena hugged a pillow really tight and ignored the fact that Demi wanted to hear some answers from her.

"So explain to me what happened to you and Nick?" Demi commanded.

"Ok, we are just friends. Well I think so; I never really know what's going on with me now a days." Selena answered Demi who was processing everything.

"Now you guys aren't together? That's awkward." Demi stated which made Selena laugh a bit. "We have nothing to do today. What should we do?"

Both friends paced on the hotel carpet, "Demi, I have a great idea! What if we make a video? We haven't made one ever since like last year."

"How about we show the fans outside of the building?" Demi suggested. She took out her laptop and opened it up to webcam.

"I'll hold it while you peek out the window?" Selena said while Demi rushed to cover the window and Selena held the laptop to hit record.

Demi: Oh my gosh, Selena come over here! It's so crazy.

Selena: There's like- all of them is like-there's so many people outside screaming for Demi right now. It's like crazy.

Demi: Ready? I'm gonna peek out ok? Ready?

Selena: It's gonna be crazy. OH MY GOD! That's so crazy!

Both: There's so many people outside.

Selena: It's so great!

Demi: Can I say we have made it?

Selena: Wave to the fans!

Demi: Hello my fans! Hello New York! Don't forget September 23rd!

Selena: Guess what comes out?

Selena clicked stop to whole video. Selena and Demi were too lazy to update it, so they just uploaded it on YouTube.

"So why did you come to New York again?" Demi asked. "Photo shoots or because you missed me so much?"

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