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[an: because i really love this song and owe everyone a chapter. HAPPY ARPIL.]

: dylena aren't famous and selena is afraid of being alone 

+ s e l e n a

"Oh God." I mumbled to myself while I looked at the rather short fellow in front of me.

He held out his hand. "I'm John."

I glanced at his name tag which had Greg written on it. "Okay, John... I have to go to the restroom for a second."

I stood up, thankful that the volunteers of this dating service wasn't at all paying attention to me. I paced all the way to the exit and took a deep breath once I was outside.

My phone beeped and I answered it quick. "Hello there, how's the whole date? Did you find Mr. Right?"

I huffed. "No! Of course not! This whole mess is not my style."

"Selena... Though I always press you about fairytale meetings, I have to tell you that life isn't a fairytale." Taylor, my best friend, sighed.

I didn't know if I would take that in offense, but it did hurt. "Thanks for the reality check, but I'll call you later."

Boys seem to like the girls, Who laugh at anything, The ones who get undressed, Before the second date

I stared at the potential couples that were supposedly meant to find each other in this dating service. It was a shame to say that it was my second attempt to find 'Mr. Right' since one of my hidden fears is to be forever alone.

I went to the nearest Starbucks to find a few people who waited in line. Unfortunately, I had to stand next to a couple who were oogling at each other. 

"Me and you equals three because I want to have a baby with you!" I overheard their conversation. 

The guy in front of me chuckled for a moment while I got a tiny giggle out of it. Meanwhile, the blonde girl who was supposed to respond to her 'boyfriend' bursted into laughter. 

The boyfriend seemed nervous. "I'm serious. I thought after our night last week, you'd want more." 

Thank God, the cashier called me up. I ordered quickly before standing quite next to the couple just so I could know what was about to happen. The girlfriend went outside when their conversation got to a deeper level. 

"Well, that was awkward." I wasn't usually the type to look into people's eyes when they're strangers. 

I smiled and responded. "Yeah, hope that'll never happen to me." 

"They're always here on Friday's..." He mentioned before his drink got called. The guy in front of me had dark faint circles under his eyes and his hair looked a bit of a mess, he was a little slender, but there was a flex of muscle on his biceps when he added sugar to his coffee. 

He stood next to me again and suddenly my order was called. "They're always here at 4:30 too." 

I raised my eyebrows at the suspicious information he gave me. He walked away before I could have asked him why he wanted to give me these details. 

Boys seem to like the girls, Who like to kiss and tell, Talking them up about the things they do so well

"So recently Adam and I were at Victoria Secret. I showed him my..." I covered my ears and watched Adam look prideful from the information Taylor was giving to our squad. 

I walked inside the house and watched the whole pair of couples next to each other. I frowned at the sight that I was literally the only one without a boyfriend or girlfriend since there were guy friends over. 

Some of my girl friends were snickering at the guys who were taking off their shirts for a swim. 

Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away? I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company

I slid back downstairs to see that most of them were already wet from the pool. "Selena! Come on, let's go for a swim!" 

I shook my head at the blonde who waved her hand crazily. "Uh-- someone actually called me in for work. I got to go." I took my keys while everyone waved at me. 

It was not true that I got called from work, but I needed distance from my friends who looked wonderfully happy with their prince. 

I decided to browse around Los Angeles. A few were cute, but then all of a sudden I'd learn that they'd be into the same gender as I like. It was difficult to date now since everyone was more on the technological dating. 

Why? I didn't deserve this! I help out at the animal shelter, I give time for my family and friends... I love world peace! 

I deserve someone who's gonna love me! 

I'd rather find a boy, Who is down for the chase, Putting in the time that it takes

My Friday wasn't going as well as I wanted it to be so I went to the only place that could give me some interest. 

I went inside the same Starbucks at 4:30, I found the same couple at the window seats. They sat together holding each others hands. 

I was about to fall in line when I saw someone waving at me. I realized it was the same guy from the one who was in front of me that last Friday. 

He scooted over. "I ordered you your iced coffee and a chocolate croissant." 

I wondered if he put something in my drink. 

"Don't worry, I didn't poison you. I'm Dylan by the way." 

"Selena." I smiled a little. I took a small sip of my drink. "Wait, how do you know the amount of things I put in it?" 

He shrugged. "I had to ask the cashier, which is my best friend, what drink you were getting." 

"Clever," I sat next to him. "Did I miss anything?" 

"Nothing really, apparently the girl decided to take him seriously about that baby joke." Dylan explained. 

"Interesting, I wonder if she might be pregnant..." 

Both of us looked at the blonde couple. They were talking to each other. 

Unconsciously, I took pretended I knew what the girl was saying. "Oh Ben, I hope you're the one." 

"Yes, Dianne, I am the one!" Dylan dubbed for the guy. 

"Please forgive me." 

"I will!" He fake cried while Dylan and I laughed out loud. 

The couple was gone before him and I got into our conversation of the most random things. "And we'll have to come next Friday for the newest episode of Ben and Dianne!" 

"Keeping up with Ben and Dianne!" I exclaimed while we laughed at each other. "I'll see you next Friday?" 

Dylan smiled. "Do you want to see each other even before Keeping up with Ben and Dianne?" 


I think I found mine. 


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