Text Messages (part one)

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[an: I just need a little fluffy dylena in my life.]

: dylena based on text messages, not famous bc they're teenagers omfg yas & this will be lowercase just because I feel like it

October 24th
2:36 pm

dylan: hey lily, it's dylan. i'm sorry.

dylan: please answer me.

dylan: please :(

10:36 pm

unknown: i don't mean to be rude, but i think your (ex)girlfriend gave you the wrong number.

dylan: wait what? she gave me this number to do our math problems.

unknown: i actually got a new phone about a week ago so i'm sorry.

October 31st
6:26 pm

dylan: hey!

unknown: i hope you still don't think that this is lily.

dylan: not anymore... but i saw her walking with her new boyfriend today :(

unknown: oh? how'd you feel?

dylan: devastated, horrible, heartbroken... list anything that describes the pain above the scale of seven to ten. that's how i feel.

unknown: don't worry about it. what you guys had was puppy love, nothing serious. she obviously saw that it wasn't gonna last more than you think you knew.

dylan: for a stranger, you seem to know a lot of the stuff i'm going through right now.

unknown: other people go through the same stuff, you know?

unknown: listen, I have to go for now because i have to take my sister trick-or-treating.

dylan: have fun!

November 1st
5:17 pm

dylan: we never got to finish our conversation.

unknown: you don't even know my name, dylan.

dylan: how the hell do you know mine then?

unknown: because i know

dylan: can i please know your name? it's weird that i can't picture you

unknown: what do you mean?

dylan: right now you're looking like siri rather than a person

10:07 pm

unknown: fine, my name is selena. now goodnight cause i have school tomorrow.

dylan: goodnight selena :)

November 3rd
11:56 am

dylan: so selena, where do you go to school?

selena: just because I told you my name does not mean that I'll tell you my address!

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