Boy Next Door

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[an: holy crap, I actually missed writing so much! enjoyyyyyyy! i didn't edit this bc i owe everyone an update]

: dylan and selena are neighbors, not famous... thanks

Voicemail: Hey it's Selena and you have reached my voicemail. Leave your message at the ding--- oh wait it's a beep.

Parents: Hi Sweetie, it's Momma! Wanted to check up on you... Brian, Gracie and I are coming over soon. I hope that's fine.

My eyes popped out as soon as I heard the words "coming over soon". This is not okay! I repeated the message several times before I called Momma back.


"Momma, hi. What brings you guys in town? This week? When?" I frantically asked her.

I needed the answer now. "Well, Gracie misses you... And you didn't come over for her Valentines day decoration that you promised to come to."

I frowned immediately since Momma reminded me how awful I am as a sister-- not really if I was comparing myself to others out there, but I still didn't want a heartbroken Gracie on Valentines day. "I'm so sorry, I was in the middle of work for our very successful fashion show."

"Selena, you still have a family remember? Give time for yourself and us."

I could have not agreed with that. Momma always brought me back when I needed some type of reality check that no one else could convince me with. "Yes Momma, when time exactly are you guys coming?"

"We were thinking of coming this weekend if you don't mind?"

I gasped quiet enough for Momma to not hear. "Yeah, I can tell my boss about this, but I promise that I will make time."

"Thanks honey. We'll pack up soon, I'll see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too, Momma. Kisses for Brian and Gracie." I hung up the phone as soon as I said my little sisters name. I flopped to the couch and looked at my view; it was fully cluttered with messy clothes and papers all over the floor and tables.

Part of working in the fashion industry, I was constantly coming up with new ideas, but usually it wouldn't be my favorite which was why all the balls of paper were on the floor. I'm gonna go crazy cleaning my apartment in just a matter of one whole day. I should have really listened to Taylor, my best friend, who begged me to clean the apartment.

The weird thing is that I've been here for almost a year and I haven't fully unpacked because I spent most of my time in the office rather than the luxurious apartment that I really worked hard to pay for.

I checked the time to see that it was almost midnight. I changed to my night clothes before settling in a slumber sleep.

The next morning, I went straight to work without even eating, it started to become a bad habit of mine and Momma warned me to always eat a big breakfast since she wanted me to stay healthy. Once I went inside the building to the office, I saw Samuel waiting at my desk.

"Hello." He greeted with a big smile on his face.

Samuel was always so happy to see me like I was to him, but there was something missing. "Hi there..."

"So are we going on our date tonight?"

That's probably why something was missing, because Sam was always giving me everything. "Oh my God, I just remembered... I can't tonight, my family is coming to town and I have to clean the apartment."

Samuel nodded. "Next time though."

After a few more minutes of cleaning up my desk and gathering the items I needed while I was out for the weekend, I was ready to face my boss. Mr. Montgomery gladly gave me a leave since we put in a lot of time from the past few months and we really needed a break.  I zipped through the building and went straight to my car. 

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