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1 week.

It's been already 1 week since I've started senior year of High School here in Cheshire. About a month since I've moved from Seattle. It wasn't my decision to move, I didn't want to leave my friends and everything I had in America behind, it was my parents' decision. They were both lawyers and had to move to keep their jobs.

Due the job of my parents, they were able to buy a quite big house in England. Once you entered the dark wooden door you could see the stairs that led up to the second floor. On the right side there was the living room with a grey carpet on the floor and two sofas along with a flat screen TV standing on top of a Modern dresser.

On the left side there was the kitchen, the dining room and a bathroom. On the second floor were all the bedrooms, another bathroom and a work-room where my parents did their work.

I've moved here during summer holidays which were a big benefit because I already got to know some people before school started. At our second day here I was helping my mum to plant some flowers and other plants in the front yard when suddenly two girls my age walked by. We got into a conversation quickly and they suggested showing me around a bit later that day.

That's how I became friends with Cassidy Rhodes and Ana Fleur Simmons. And Andrew Edwards.

Andrew, I learnt, was a part of Cassidy's and Ana's squad.  He tagged along as they showed me around Cheshire and he was a bit too nice for my liking. I did consider him as my friend but I was nowhere nearly as close to him as I was to Cassidy and Ana. And that was good that way.

I've spent the rest of the summer break with my two new best friends and sometimes with Andrew, too. Cassidy reckoned that Andrew had a crush on me and that that's the reason why he kept acting way too friendly to me and Ana agreed. I didn't like the thought of that though because I was not interested in him at all.

It was currently Friday and I was sitting on the kitchen counter, eating a banana and waiting for Andrew to pick me up for School. I would've preferred if Cassidy or Ana picked me up but I was still thankful that I didn't have to take the bus. I didn't have my licence yet so it was quite useful to have friends who already have theirs.

I heard a honk of a car and got up, threw my banana away and walked over to the door, putting my shoes on hurryingly. I threw my schoolbag over my shoulder and got outside. The silver Ford Fiesta that belonged to none other than Andrew was the first thing I spotted. The warm air of the already hot summer day prickled my skin as I walked down towards his car. I opened the door and got in the car, sending Andrew a small wave and a smile before putting my seatbelt on.

"How did you sleep?" he asked me, his mouth stretched into a grin.

"Good I guess," I shrugged my shoulders, "What about you?"

"Same here." He started the engine of the car and soon he was driving down the street towards our School.

"It's almost the end of the week," he glanced at me before fixing his gaze back on the road, "and I wanted to ask if you'd like to go out on Saturday, with me, alone,"

"Um," I bit down on my lip, and looked at my hands which were entwined together on my lap. I glanced up at Andrew who was still waiting for an answer, tapping the steering wheel nervously. I had to admit he wasn't bad looking, blonde hair was messily on top of his head and put up into a quiff, grey was the colour of his irises which kept taking quick glances at me and he was nice, too. But he just wasn't what I was looking for in a boy.

"I'm really sorry but I'm, already busy then," I explained, not really telling the truth but not lying either.

"Really, what are you doing then?"

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