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I closed the door of the bathroom once I stepped out and a few moments later I heard the shower going on. I walked out of his room and down the stairs, heading to the kitchen to grab some water.

"Rose," Harry's mum smiled as I entered the kitchen and a smile was immediately plastered on my face as well. "Is Harry still angry?" she asked.

I sat down on a chair next to her before I said, "No," her smile grew even wider. "I don't think he is, he seemed pretty calm. I cleaned up a cut that he's go on his eyebrow and now he's showering,"

"That's great," she looked relieved. "Would you like to stay for dinner? I, and I'm pretty sure Harry too, would love to have your company."

"Thank you so much Mrs Styles, I would love to." I grinned widely and so did she. "Just call me Anne."

Harry didn't shower for long but during the time he did, I got to know Anne a little bit better. She was so kind and it hurt me to see how upset she looked when Frank left the house. I still didn't know what happened but I really wanted to know.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Anne and she nodded.

"Sure, go ahead."

"I don't mean to sound nosy but- who was that man that left the house earlier when I got here? I heard Harry and someone else yell really loudly as I approached the house and it seems to be something pretty serious if Harry got hurt," I bit down on the inside of my cheeks and waited for her answer. I didn't want to seem nosy, I really didn't. But I just really wanted to know. This wasn't something small, this was something serious.

She smiled apologetically at me and put her hand over mine. "I would love to tell you," she started. I felt relieved that she wasn't mad at me for asking. "I just don't think it's in my place to tell you."

I nodded understandingly. "I totally understand, but thank you though. I just thought I'd ask because it's not the first time that I've seen this man and I'm really concerned."

"That's alright, everyone's a little bit curious. It shows that you care about my son and he really needs someone by his side that will make him happy again." Sadness filled her eyes and I felt really bad for her.

I felt my cheeks blush softly. Did I really make Harry happy? "Yeah, I really do care about him," I looked at my hands and smiled to myself. "What was Harry like as a child?" I looked up at her and she smiled widely again. It wouldn't hurt to know how he was like as a kid.

"He was a special little boy," she shook her head lightly, smiling. "He was really bubbly and always did silly things. He used to just go up to people and start conversations with them when we went to a restaurant for example and everyone loved him. He's really talented as well, he always used to play the piano, he taught it himself. He composed his own songs and most of them were about food," she laughed and I smiled widely. The thought of little Harry sitting at a piano and singing about food was amusing.

I didn't notice the shower stopping until I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Harry's mum was making dinner- pasta to be specific- and she told me more about Harry as a child. I asked her if I could help but she refused to let me and said that I was the guest.

My eyes travelled to Harry who walked into the kitchen and my breath hitched in my throat. He was wearing some sweatpants and no shirt. His hair was damp and he had a grin on his face. His eyes locked with mine almost immediately and he grinned even wider. He walked over to me, not even noticing his mother, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You know, that band aid looks really manly. The teddy bears on it really fit you," I giggled and he laughed. The beautiful sound echoed through my ears and happiness rushed through me. I loved seeing Harry like that, he looked genuinely happy and he looked so carefree.

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