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After a few minutes of driving Harry pulled into a driveway. The house which whose driveway we stood in was huge and looked very modern. He stopped the engine and pulled the keys of the car out, sighing audibly and looking at me.

"Let's get inside," he suggested. There was an awkward tension between us and I just nodded my head. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of his car, he did the same.

I followed him to the front door and watched as he pulled out his keys. He opened the door and the first thing that I noticed as we entered the house was the furniture. Everything was where it belonged to and everything just fit together perfectly.

I didn't notice that I stopped walking until Harry grabbed my hand and started walking. We were about to go up the stairs as a female voice caused both of us to turn our heads. A woman in her 40s stood there, a smile spread on her face and there was no doubt that she's Harry's mother.

"You're home! And you've brought company-"

"Yeah, we'll be in my room." Harry cut his mum off and I sent her an apologetic smile. Her face fell slightly as Harry cut her off and I could tell she tried her best to smile at me.

Harry dragged me up the stairs, his hand still holding mine. He walked a bit further down the aisle and turned left. We entered his bedroom and I was pretty surprised how clean it was. There were a few clothes hanging on a chair in front of his desk but other than that his room was pretty clear. There weren't many things in there, only furniture. His room seemed impersonal.

He let go of my hand and walked over to his closet, taking off his shirt in the progress. I couldn't help but stare at him. His back was turned to me and I could see his back muscles flex as he took off his shirt. I didn't want to stare at him but I couldn't bring myself to tear my eyes away from his shirtless back.

He grabbed some sweatpants and turned around again. He smirked as he saw me staring at him and walked past me.

"I'll be right back," he stepped into the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. He shut the door close and I just stood there awkwardly in the middle of his room, fiddling with my hands.

It didn't take Harry long to change into his sweatpants because the bathroom door opened soon after he'd entered. He got out and threw his jeans over the chair on which other clothes were already. My eyes went wide as I saw him come out of the bathroom; the sweatpants hung low on his waist and he still wasn't wearing a shirt. The tattoos that were inked on his skin made the sight even better.

He looked at me for a brief second, the smirk still on his lips, and turned to his closet once again. He took out a white shirt and a pair of shorts before closing the closet again. He handed me the clothes and I looked at him with a surprised look.

"You don't wanna watch a movie in this, do you?" he said, gesturing to my dress. I felt my cheeks turn pink and I nodded my head.

"Thank you," I replied shyly and took the clothes, walking to the bathroom.

Once I closed the door I took off my dress and heels. I put on the shorts first which were too big for me and pulled his shirt over my head. The shirt was too big as well and it smelled like Harry which was very nice. As I got out of the bathroom I placed my shoes and my dress on the floor next to his desk.

Harry was lying on his bed, his head was resting on top of his folded hands and he was looking at me. I walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge. I turned around as I heard him chuckle.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't bite,"

I felt my cheeks heat up again and I bit down on my lip. I moved on the bed, lying down next to him and resting my hands on my stomach. Harry's clothes were really comfortable and even his bed held his scent which I've already loved. There was a TV hanging on the wall and if you sat on the bed you had a perfect view of it.

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