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The week passed by quickly. ladly I got good grades in the tests that I had, which got me really relieved. It was my free period and I was putting the things from my previous lesson into my locker and I heard someone approaching me.

Knowing it was most likely Harry since he told me in the previous lesson that he'll come to my locker, I just continued rummaging through my locker. I was searching for a History book since I have a test next week.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist and Harry's hair tickled against my cheek as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I giggled softly and shut my locker close, turning around to face Harry. I spun around in his arms and they were still wrapped around my waist.

"Hi," he grinned at me and kissed my nose. I scrunched my nose up and he shook his head, laughing softly.

We walked out of the School building and I got confused as Harry turned to head to the parking lot. "Where are you going?" I asked as we got closer to his car and he looked over his shoulder and sent me one of his award winning, dimpled smiles that made me melt.

"I don't know," he shrugged his shoulders. "I thought we could drive somewhere and maybe get some ice cream." He opened the door for the passenger seat and let me in. He closed the door again and jogged around the car to get in the drivers seat.

Once we both had out belts buckled, Harry started the engine and the vehicle started to roll. "There's this café not to far away from here and they have the best banana split," he took his bottom lip between his thumb and point finger while his other hand remained on the steering wheel. He looked incredibly hot.

"Let's go there!" I said excitedly, sitting up straight in my seat. "Banana split in my favourite," My mouth was literally watering at the thought of eating one again. It was my favourite dessert and I haven't had it in ages.

He chuckled at my excitement. "Let's go then,"

"Did you already get your geography test back?" I asked him. He had the test a few days ago and he wasn't sure if he'll do well. It was quite unexpected, I didn't really think Harry is the type of person who would care if he got a bad grade, but apparently he was. He didn't mind not getting the best grades but he still wanted to have decent grades. He was actually really intelligent, he knew a lot and he didn't even have to study that much to get grades that don't suck. I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't at least a bit jealous that he was so smart.

"Yeah, I did." his lips curved up into a self satisfied smile and he added, "I got 80 points out of 100,"

It only took us about 10 minutes until Harry parked his car. He opened the door for me and I thanked him by kissing his cheek. We had to walk a bit further down the street until we stood in front of a café, the words 'Roger's café' written in cursive above the entrance. Harry opened the door for me and he followed after me. It wasn't cold outside but it was definitely warmer in here.

We went to a table in the back close to the window and I looked around, taking in the surroundings. The café was small and really cozy. And elder waitress approached us a few moments later and asked us if we already chose what we were gonna get.

"We'll have two banana splits," Harry said and the elder lady nodded her head. She was rather small, chubby, her hair was already grey and glasses were on her nose. She looked really friendly.

"Please," I added and she looked up and sent me a smile before walking off. I thought it was kind of rude to not say please. Waiters and waitresses work the whole day and they might meet some really rude people who aren't pleased with what they got and they sometimes have to put up with a lot. Being nice to them could maybe make their day a little bit better.

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