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When I awoke the next morning I tried to turn around but my body collide with another one. Lazily, I opened my eyes and a small grin made its way on my face as I saw Harry lay there. His lips were parted slightly, his hair was messy and the only thing heard was his calm breathing.

His arms were wrapped around me and he was still naked and so was I. As last nights events occupied my mind I felt my cheeks blush almost instantly. I looked over to see what the time was and my eyes went wide when the clock showed 11:43am.

I tried to get out of my bed but Harry only pulled my closer and I couldn't free myself from his grip. He was grumbling but I couldn't understand it and if I wasn't freaking out, I'd probably think it's cute.

"Harry," I shook his body. "Wake up!"

"Just five more minutes," he mumbled but I didn't stop shaking his body. I needed to get home, now.

"But it's already been past half past 11 and I really need to get home." I whined and he finally opened his eyes. They were small and he was adjusting them to the light that shone through his blinds. He removed his arm from around me to rub his eyes tiredly and he then blinked a few times before looking at me.

"So what?" he asked, his voice still full of sleep, low and raspy.

"I need to get home or else my parents will freak out-"

Before I could finish my sentence he was already standing up and walking over to his closet. My view was his bum.

"Jesus put something on!" I covered my eyes and heard him laugh.

"Don't act like you haven't seen it before," he pulled on a pair of boxer and then turned around. "Or do you need a little reminder about last night?" he raised his eyebrows and you could just hear the smirk as he spoke.

"Let's not talk about that, yeah?" I avoided eye contact. "Can you like, get out? I need to get dressed."

"Like I said babe," he put on his jeans and did it surprisingly fast. "Nothing I haven't seen before." He leaned over the bed to peck my lips but I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away.

He frowned and looked at me as if he was waiting for an answer. "I have morning breath, that's just disgusting."

He shrugged his shoulders, grabbed a black shirt and a pair of socks and then walked to the door. "I'm gonna make you something to eat. Get dressed and be ready in 10." And with that he walked out, closing the door behind him.

I got up and the first thing I did was search for my underwear. Once I found it, I put it on quickly. I felt dirty to wear the same underwear that I did yesterday but I didn't really have an option and I'm going to shower later today anyways.

I went into the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom and tried to remove any smudge of makeup with water. I ran my fingers through my hair to comb it and tried my best to look presentable.

I didn't really want to wear my dress but I had no other choice so I put on my dress. Once I was read, what thankfully didn't take me long, I exited the room and went down the stairs, heading straight to the kitchen.

He stood at the kitchen counter, his back turned to me and when he heard me enter the kitchen, he turned around and looked at me with a smile.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked and hopped on the counter.

"There's a lot," he took three boxes into his hands. "You have to pick between Cheerio's, Fruity Rebbles and Sugar Puffs. Hard decision, I know." His face was straight and I couldn't help laughing.

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