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A week passed and I haven't heard a single thing from Harry. I missed him and I obviously was still sad but Cassidy did a great job with distracting me. We did something every day and rarely stayed home because she said being home and having time to think, not getting distracted by anything, is just gonna make me sadder.

And she was right because at times such as when I'm about to sleep I have time to think about everything and the pain in worse than it is throughout the day. But I have to live with it.

I haven't seen Ana and Andrew in a while as well but that didn't really bother me. I wasn't planning on staying friends with them anyways, especially Andrew. I couldn't remember everything when I went out clubbing with Cassidy and then went to Harry's house but I knew that I met a really nice guy. His name was Kale or something like that. I wish I would've got his number because he just seemed like someone who everyone wants to hang out with because he's just fun.

Cassidy and I went shopping together, hung out with some friends of hers, went to cafes and did such things. She said that it would take my mind off Harry and that was somewhat true because it made me think less about him but it didn't make me completely forget it.

It's gonna take a while until I'm over him, I'm in love with him after all and break-up's are never easy, but I know that I'll be fine. It takes a while to fix a heart but that's okay, it's alright to be heartbroken and to cry over a boy you just have to know that you'll be fine and find someone else.

We were hanging out with some people from School that I never really paid much attention to but according to Cassidy they were her friends. Nathalie, Tom and Jasper were their names and they seemed really nice. We were at Tom's flat and just talking. It was really nice until a topic came up that I didn't really feel like discussing.


"You're dating Harry Styles, right?" Nathalie asked me. I looked at her with a blank expression until I replied.

I shook my head and lowered my eyebrows. "No," I told her. "Not anymore."

"Really? You two seemed so happy; I didn't know you broke up. Did he cheat?" she asked. She was nice but way too nosy and it started to annoy me. I really didn't feel like talking about Harry.

"Nathalie, drop it she obviously doesn't want to talk about it." Jasper told her and I looked at him with a thankful smile. He nodded his head slightly and returned the smile.

"Oh, sorry..." she said sincerely. "What about you Cassidy, do you still talk to that boy you met last week?" she changed the subject which made me feel relieved.

"We actually planned on meeting up tomorrow, he said he wants to get to know me more because he likes Me." her grin was wide and the happiness radiated from her, it was nice to see her like this.

She was talking about the boy she met while we were at the club, Theo; she's talking non-stop about him. They slept together that night and he asked for her number and since then they've been talking to each other and he's almost the only thing she talks about. It's annoyingly cute.

I zoned out of the conversation because as usual the only thing that really occupied my mind was Harry. It's been like this for a week. I can do literally anything but it never stops me from thinking about Harry and thinking about how much my heart actually hurts and how much I miss him. I want to move on but I just can't because I'm still in love with him and I'm afraid that that won't change.

I haven't seen or heard from him since I stayed at his house that night after clubbing. It was so weird. I went there to kick his balls but ended up sleeping in his bed. He was acting so strange and I had no idea what was going on. I just want him to tell me what he thinks.

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